I climbed up a small ledge and I was met with a startling sight. For a moment I thought it was a ghost because he was so pale and skinny but I knew it was him. Who else had black hair that messy and had sea green eyes that blazed with such intensity.

Right there in front of me, clutching his leg, was Percy Jackson.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed. "What the hell happened to you?!"

He was bruised all to Hades - his face was just blue and green and purple; his arm might've straightened slightly but looked bent still; his trouser leg was shredded and stained red with blood and his Polartec jacket was ripped in several places. 

"Holy Zeus," I muttered as I inspected him. He was shaking from the cold and I knew at any moment he was going to pass out. As it is, his eyes were very droopy.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey," I frantically tried to get his attention. I shook his shoulder. "Stay with me buddy - don't even think about sleeping."

"Can't tell me what to do pal," he replied, his voice very dull. "I can't even move. My leg..."

I looked at his leg and inspected it. I had to rip his trouser leg to see the damage, but what I saw made me want to throw up at the sight. Around the gash, the veins underneath the skin were visible and they were dark blue. The whole gash was inflamed and swollen - judging by the look of it, the slash went deep, maybe past the bone.

"Looks bad, huh?" Percy asked weakly.

I shook my head. "I've seen worse."

That was a lie - I have never seen anything like this. Septimsimia? Blood poisoning? Forget it. I knew right away that Percy was in a critical state and he needed urgent attention.

"Don't...tell Annabeth," he said. "She'll...worry...too much..."

Just then, Percy's eyes rolled back into his head and fell backwards.

"Percy!" I gasped as he just fainted. I grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a sitting position. "Percy, don't you dare sleep on me man!"

He didn't take any notice of my shouting, but he did start mumbling. He kept on saying Annabeth's name over and over. But then...he kept saying: "Luke...Zoe..." 

I didn't know who he was talking about but he said them with so much emotion...like he knew those names. I didn't think much of it - I was more interested in getting him off the Icefall.

I grabbed my radio and spoke into it. "Frank! Jason to Frank - do you copy? Frank, pick up the radio for crying out loud!"

"Whoa," Frank chimed in. "What's wrong man?"

"Frank, meet me on the Icefall!" I cried out. "I can't get him down on my own! I need you to get up here ASAP!"

"What the hell is going on? Who's 'he'?"

I threw my arms up in annoyance - Frank is so dull! I just screamed into the phone, "Percy! Right next to me! In bad shape! Unconscious! Need help! Get your stupid ass up here, NOW!"

I have never lost my cool like this before, but I was deadly serious about the whole situation. Percy was clearly in bad shape - I had to get him off the mountain otherwise he was gonna end up in a far worse state.

I threw my radio to one side and just picked Percy up from underneath his armpits. He had gotten lighter than the last time I saw him - maybe a few stone lighter. I didn't have anything to wake him up, because if there was one that got on my nerve is that when supporting someone down, you had to have the other person support them as well.

Percy Jackson:The Mountain ClimbersWhere stories live. Discover now