First day

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I watched her as she disappeared inside ,she was such a beautiful girl and her eyes were a light shade of green but damn she was a boring one🙃😓

I went in for training and it went as the usual ,I was sitting on the bench and some of my teammates were talking about some girl
"Who are you talking about?"I said with curiosity killing me
"The lawyer girl " Marc said"she is hot"he said
"She is a bore trust me,I drove her here and I almost killed myself"I said but they didn't seem to care because they continued on
"I'd smash her any day"I heard one of them say
"same bro!"
I just rolled my eyes at the comments ,she would never go for someone like them or me I've only known her for two hours but I know this for a fact.

The girl from earlier today came over to our group
"Hey um sorry but my uncle said I am staying at one of you guys houses till I get my own apartment"I was praying it's not me "who's rafinha?"thank the lord he didn't she isn't staying with me.whistles and ooh's filled the atmosphere in no time
Rafinha lifted his arm up "thats me"he said smiling to her.

Lmfao he thinks he has a chance with her,she is beautiful too beautiful and smart as well wayyyyyy too smart for any of us.

She was making conversations with some of the guys now and I decided to Join in.

"Um so you got the job?"I said
"Yeah "her smile was wide ,it was beautiful
"Congratulations! "I said giving her a smile back
"Thank you"she returned
"This calls for a celebration, let's go out tomorrow evening "I said announcing to everyone and there was a yeah's everywhere .
"Welcome to the new member of Barcelona "I heared rafinha say as he put his hand on her shoulder and she just gave him a kind smile

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