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      I was walking in the woods early in the morning. It was going to be a great day! It wasn't foggy outside, just a little bit of fog, and it was cloudy! I thought it was going to rain. Which I didn't mind; I loved the rain. Oh, yeah. I forgot. My name's Destiny, by the way.

      Anyway, I was walking around, waiting for it to rain, minding my own business. And then I get hit on the head with what feels like a rock! And let me tell you, it hurt bad! I didn't know what happened. All I know is that's when I blacked out.


"Ow...," I said. "My head..."

      I sat up and realized that I was in a tent. Whew! At least someone had saved me! I had stitches in my head, though. Ugh... They felt gross. But then I looked down and noticed that I wasn't in my clothes that I had on in the forest. I had on my favorite clothes on: grey pants with red poke-a-dots and my army green tank-top. How the heck did they get on me?

      Sure, I was glad to be in some comfortable clothes. But the thought of someone putting them ON ME WHILE I WAS ASLEEP was enough to make me puke! But I held it down. I had to thank the person who saved me, and get back to my parents.

      I swung my legs over the side of the bed and got up. I was still a bit wobbly, but I managed to walk. I went to the flap-door to the tent and pushed it open. Very cold wind blew on me and when I opened my eyes, there was snow EVERYWHERE! And when I looked up I was greeted by another site that I didn't expect.

      The entire Chinese army was standing right outside the tent! Including Mulan and Shang. I knew I was supposed to be scared, right? But, no. I just stared at them in awe. I loved Mulan and every character in the movie. But now I was a bit scared and I shrieked a little and ran inside the tent, cowering in the corner.

      After a few moments, three guys poked their heads in. One was tall and skinny, the other was short and fat, and the other was very tall and fat. The one that was very tall and fat was bald, the other two had hair. They looked on the side of the tent that I wasn't on. Then they looked at the side of the tent that I was on.

      I was shivering in fear, and bit out of coldness. I mean, it was snowing outside. Nevertheless, the three men still came over to me. I tried to make myself as small as possible. They had the look of confidence on their faces, like they didn't care that I was scared at all.

   What if they're killers?, I asked myself.

      The three men were right in front of me now.

"Hi," said the skinny one. "I'm Ling."

"And I'm Chein-Po," said the tall fat one.

"And I'm Yao," said the short one. "King of the Rock!"

"Shut up!," snapped Ling. "You'll scare her more, idiot!"

      I didn't answer any one of them. I wanted to know what the heck was going on.

"She's not talking," Ling whispered to Chein-Po.

"Maybe she's too scared to speak," said Chein-Po.

I still didn't talk. "Maybe we should go out of the tent and wait for her to come out," said Yao.

"Yeah," said Ling.

      So the three men turned around and started to walk towards the entrance of the tent. I listened when they told Shang that I wouldn't talk.

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