"Nothing." I swore, "Why?"

"I haven't seen him look at a girl like he looks at you in four years, Nikki." She kept her voice hushed. "So spill."

"Seriously, Rydel, nothing is going on..." I shook my head, "I promise. He barely even likes me as a human. And he's my graduation requirement. We're friends."

She eyed me up and down and sighed, "Okay. I believe you." She went down the hallway, "For now!" She shouted.

I sighed and went into my room to see what bathing suits Bree had picked up for me. I had missed two texts from her too, "DID U SLEEP W/ HOT ROCKY?" And another reading, "WHAT'S HIS BODY LIKE?" both in all caps.

I texted back, "chiiiiiillllll. There is no sex happening. it's a nice time. see u tonight."

I put on my favorite black bikini and a wrap around my waist before going downstairs to greet everyone. Ryland's head turned and he raised his eye brows before hitting Rocky on the chest, "What the hell?" Rocky looked at him then his gaze went to me. "Uh, Nicole- the beach." He said.

"That wasn't a sentence Rocky." I giggled at him and walked past his gawking younger brother.

"I was up early." Rocky defended. We all went back outside and Rocky unzipped his body suit to reveal only swim trunks. I admired his arms as he pulled the think suit off. Tattoos.

"I didn't know you had tattoos..." I pointed to the rose and other small objects inked into his arm.

"I don't show them to just anyone." He said, "Come."

He brought me out to some umbrella's where Stormie and Mark sat reading books. Ross and Riker were throwing a foot ball back and forth. Rydel came out shortly after us with Cass. "So," He turned to me and put sunglasses over his eyes as did I . "We usually have a bonfire on our last night. And it's tonight."

"Oh that's fun." I nodded and looked out onto the water.

"You're staying, right?" He asked.

I looked up at him, "You mean, you're not making this decision for me?"

His jaw line tightened and he shook his head, "No."

I laughed, "Rocky, it's a joke. Yes I'll stay..." I nodded to him, "Are we staying another night or are we going home tonight?"

"Staying. We usually sit around and play music and tell stories until really late." He sounded like he was looking forward to it. The more I saw weekend Rocky the more I liked him. Office Rocky was busy and dominant, while family Rocky really did have a good time.

"Beer?" He asked me as he reached for a cooler.

"It's 11 am..." I laughed.

"We're at the beach, Nicole." He reminded me.

"You're right. Absolutely." I nodded and took it from him.

We sat for a moment and then went out into the cold ocean with some of his siblings. We waded around and the boys started to surf again. I had to admit Rocky was a fantastic surfer.

At around 1 Rocky told me it was the time of the day when everyone took naps. I agreed with him and went up to my room to lie down, but I couldn't sleep. And when I couldn't sleep, I wrote.

I pulled out my lap top and stared at the document I had been making notes on, but undoubtedly had had no way to start formally until now. I sighed and began to type.

"On a beach off the coast of California, award winning music producer Rocky Lynch is spending the weekend with those he cherishes most, his family. As he told me upon our first meeting, family is everything to him, and he doesn't take it lightly. He gives surfing lessons to his younger brother who, in his own words, 'would suck ass at surfing' if it weren't for Rocky. For those who work with him he is a serious persona and a creative genius, but to his family he's more than a quiet musician. Rocky is a friend, a son, a brother, a teacher, and most importantly he's Rocky."

I sighed and looked at the paragraph. How in the world was I to explain Rocky to not only my professor, but to the editors of Vanity Fair, and hopefully the world. I began to type again.

"From Phantom of the Opera to Beethoven to Walk The Moon, Rocky has every genre of music on his playlists in his car and he knows the words to every one of them. He spends weekends with his family playing music acoustically while the others listen and sing along joyfully. The purest joy I have had the pleasure of seeing Rocky in is when he's got an instrument on his hands." I paused my writing again as my phone rang.

"Hi Bree..." I sighed monotonically.

"You didn't sleep with him, ARE YOU CRAZY?" She yelled.

"Geez, Aubrey, no, I told you." I rolled my eyes. "Also I'm not coming home tonight."

"And why not?" She questioned.

"He invited me to stay another night for their bonfire." I explained to her.

"And you said yes?" She asked, "He invited you to stay at his house a second night after he failed to make a move on you last night so he could make a move on you tonight and you said YES."

"I'm not even sure what you just said, but yes i said yes..." I shrugged, "I need info on this guy. And half the stuff he tells me I can't use it."

"Such as?" She pried.

"No!" I told her, "I swore to him I'd never say anything about anything. And you can read about him in the paper when it comes out."

"Did you at least ask him about the Selena Gomez thing?" She questioned.

"Good bye Aubrey..." I started to hang up and she yelled.

"WAIT. What time will you be home tomorrow?" She asked sweetly.

"Whatever time Rocky drives me." I told her, "Whenever he wants to leave."

"Fine." She sighed, "You're at the beach. How's his body?"

"Is that crossing a line if I tell you?" I bit my lip.

"No, a body is okay to look at if he's right in front of you giving you permission to look at it." She promised me.

"It's to die for." I admitted.

"No WAY." She sighed happily, "That's all I needed. See you tomorrow hoe."

"Bye," I laughed to her.

There was a knock at me door minutes after I hung up the phone but when I went to answer it no one was there. I made my way down the hallway and heard some talking, but didn't really listen until I heard my name.

"Nikki's tight man..." I heard a voice. I couldn't decipher who it was. All I knew is it wasn't Rocky because he doesn't call me Nikki.

"She is," I heard. That was definitely Rocky.

"So when are you gonna get on that?" I heard another voice. I was sure it was Ryland.

"I'm not man, she's not into me like that." He answered.

"But are you into her like that?" I heard one of them say. I stood as close to the open door as I could before I would be seen and listened.

"She's really cool." Rocky slightly agreed.

My phone began to ring loudly and I hurried to hush it. I tried to sprint around the corner but Rocky saw me, "Nicole...?" He asked.

"Hmm?" I played it off, "Hey.. Rocky, what's uh up?"

"Everything okay?" He tensed, "Did you hear our um...?"

"What?" I asked, "No." I looked around, "I was looking for Rydel." Nice save Nikki.

"Oh," He relaxed again and pointed to the door just past me, "She's right there. But be warned, Ellington just got here and they might be occupied."

"Oh," I laughed nervously, "Then I'll wait."

"Nicole." Rocky eyed me and then his look softened, "I'm grilling burgers tonight."

"Surfing, instrumentalist, and cooking? What can't you do Rocky Lynch?" I crossed my arms.

"I suck a parking cars." He admitted and then he disappeared into the room.

I laughed and turned away, "I'll make a note of that."

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