"Ha! Sabé, I could hardly view him in that light! He's Corellian, a fugitive really. As I told you, he owes a crime lord some money. That's the only reason he's here on Alderaan."
  "They always come for the money, Princess. But no one stays a few months to gain riches. Royalty can do that for you."

  Quite frankly uncomfortable, and more so by the second, Leia didn't like where Sabé's mislead assumptions were taking this conversation. No better than it being Gram could Leia imagine being that close to Han. She shook the thought away, continuing on and trying to lead Sabé out of her own delusions.  "So, do you think I'm doing well in my marksman training? I am still hoping I might be able to use it to change Father's mind about-"
  "You aren't going to be able to change Bail Organa's mind, dear. But you'll have proven yourself. And maybe that'll change things down the road. Who knows? Maybe, one day, you'll go out exploring past Alderaan, past Delaya, past Coruscant . . . and allll the way to Corellia." Sabé ended her speech at that with a wicked little smile and left Leia quickly, internally laughing at the girl's rosy cheeks.
  Chewbacca was a good friend. Of course, he was. He was a wookiee! But where was the fun in being all serious about the scenario. Sure, he'd take a moment to listen and he'd even give his best friend some advice, but Han didn't need all serious, life-advice, eternal wisdom, mumbo-jumbo right now. No. What Han Solo really needed was some snarky comment about human love coming from a wookiee. Yeah, that sounded about right.

  [So, you're really serious? You aren't just pulling my leg? You like the princess?] Honestly, he had to laugh at his friend. The happenings were just too hilarious and outrageous for him to talk to Han with a straight face and a monotone growl of response. Han was playing in deep, hot water and Chewie was, to say the least, very amused.
  Sitting in the pilot's seat, twiddling his thumbs and staring out the cockpit was Han, the most cocky, arrogant, rude person the wookiee knew. And he was staring at a princess! "I don't know, Chewie," he said softly, his hazel eyes moving to study the controls' board. "I think she's just . . . different. And I like different. She still hasn't called anyone on me. At least, that I know of. She's not quite how I imagined she would be. That's all."
  [She can keep up with you, huh? Interesting. So, this princess is a tough one?] Chewie had to admit, if even to just himself, that he'd been playing a hopeless game of match-maker for Han in hopes that he could get his friend back to the way he had been before Bria had broken him. No, Han had never been one so in love that Bria had broken his heart and left him spasming on the dry floor like a dead fish, but Han had never even considered love before the Corellain belle and it had changed Han in a way Chewie could appreciate. Stay assured, Han was no less cocky, no less dashing or rogue, but it was as though a layer had begun to peel back from him, preparing to reveal something special, something different . . . until Bria left and the layer instantly folded itself back up, bringing back good old, cynical Han. And though Chewie could deal with "good old, cynical Han", he would much rather not while knowing there was a better version of his friend lying around somewhere. And if this princess really was the key to bringing his better friend back . . . well, then she must be something!
  As impressive as this was, Chewie was sure she didn't know she didn't know she held this special power, much less understand its importance. Also, the wookiee had no idea why she hadn't killed Han yet, but he did know that something more needed to happen here. And that something more was sure to have an . . . interesting outcome.

 [Is that it? Just that she's different-]

  "She cares," Han said in a tone as though he himself was still marveling it rather than telling Chewie. "If she didn't, then how come I'm not dead yet? Or in prison? Or suffering her father's wrath? How come I'm not suffering in some kind of unbearable way and, instead, I'm training her how to fire blasters behind her parents' backs?"

  [Haven't you ever seen the holodramas where the murderer treats her victims to luxury before killing them? Don't let her get inside you head, Cub,] Chewie joked. [She sounds lethal.]

  "She cares," Han went on, muttering in amazement. "Why does she care? Huh! Then, again, why do I care?"

  [Well, Cub? Why do you care?]

  "I suppose Her Worshipfulness might not be as bad as I thought. Or being stuck around with her."

  Now, this Chewie was hopeful enough to call progress.


  As it always seemed to be since the whole suitor ordeal had started, Leia's mind was busy battling several different emotions and thoughts at once. Confusion and excitement held her attention, making her question Solo a second beyond normal. What was it exactly that kept Han on Alderaan? What was it that tied his tongue from flat out asking Leia for the money he so badly needed? He was an honest man, she realized. But also arrogant and cocky and obnoxious and Leia held no doubt it would take too much of her patience to get him to leave. Maybe, she would be lucky enough and find enough patience to deal with him one last time while she saw him off now that accessibility to her weapon cache was allowed. Now, if only she could get him to leave . . .


  "I love her," Raal repeated, staring at himself in the mirror. "But how much? I love her. I love her enough to know where to draw the line. I hope she loves me that much, too."


Coded transmission sent directly to Princess Leia's private commlink

Hey, Princess. It's me, Solo. Um, I just wanted to thank you again for the job. It's been a big help. And I have to say, I really love it here. On Alderaan, I mean. I'd love to go see more of it. See you tomorrow, sweetheart.

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