"........" still covering his face.

"A-aah!! I'm sorry! I'm not trying to offend you. I-I'm–"

"Uhm..." he's still covering his face! I'm really screwed up!!

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!!" God! I never should've said that.

What am I thinking!? I really want to die now. Let me rest my body now in peace and shred my soul to death.

I was facing the ground, trying hard to get hold of myself 'cause I really wanna bury myself now. I was about to run but Shin grabbed my hand.

"Did it bothered you?"he asked. Blush forming a little below his eyes.


Oh God. Please stop.

I'm really starting to make weird of my self. I really should stop staring at him, she's not a girl for cheap sake! This is bakasumi's fault. Influencing me with he's pervertedness.

"N-no." I said.

"Is that so," a smile form on his lips again.

Phew. I thought I was about to get labeled a "creep".
That's too close.
But, I think he's holding my hand for a long time now.

"Uh. Sorry," he noticed and let go of my arm.

"I-it's fine."

This, really, kinda awkward now.

"So, you're coming?" suddenly asked.



We came at the coffee shop a minute away from FA.
The coffee shop has a nice calming ambiance and a classy furniture arrangement. We sat down on the table nearest by the window, and took the menu on the table.

" What do you want?" asked Shin.


"Don't worry, I'll pay." He said.

But that's not my problem.

"Do they serve, non-caffeinated drinks?"


Caffeine and I are not getting along quite well.

"N-nothing," I don't have time to think about this now. I should pay respect to what I've done to Shin-san a while ago.

Then a waitress came and took our orders.
Shin-san ordered caramel machiato with extra shot of coffee, and I ordered expresso, I dunno why but—yeah.

We have a casual talk about things happened at school, student council, hobbies, likes and dislikes.

"Do you like bands?" he suddenly asked.

"Bands? What in particular?"

"You know, rock, metal, visual kei and stuff."

"Sometimes, but I do have a thing for classical music."

"Really? What instrument do you play?"


"Wow! That's cool," he said while smiling.

"Y-yeah," I said. "How about you?" I asked him in return.

"I do play a keyboard, and guitar."

"Hontou desu ka! So you do play piano then!" Joy came out from my mouth, quite over the top.


"S-sorry. I got carried away."

He just stare at me with his chin resting on his hands.
Oh no, here we go again with the awkward stare.

"A-ano.. Is there something on my face, Shin-san?"

He smiled. Revealing again his dimple.

"I admire you."


Oh no.

B-dmp! B-dmp!

No no no no.

B-dmp!  B-dmp! B-dmp!

That's why I don't take any thing that is caffeinated.

I gripped on my uniform, trying to fight my palpitations. I look down to my other hand under the table and its shaking like hell.

This really is not my day.

"What's wrong Yuichiro-kun?" asked Shin, worried.

"N-nothing, I-I'm just gonna go to the restroom," God! Even my voice is shaking.

I stood up, only to find myself falling on my knees.

"Careful!" said Shin-san. Holding my waist.

I caressed my forehead, feeling a little light-headed.
Drinking expresso was a bad idea.

"A-are you alright, Yuichiro-kun?"

"I-I'm fine."

"I'm gonna take you back to your dorm."

Let Me Kiss You Yui-chan (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now