Chapter two

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I heard a snap. Then we were falling. He hit the water with a crash then everything went black.

I woke up in a meadow. Mike, Hanna and Katiana were there. The last thing I remembered was the crash. But now were here....

None of us had any cuts, scratches or bruises. How is that possible.

I saw something coming down from the sky. It was a box. It landed with a loud thump. We all walked over to it. We opened it up. There was a tv in it. We took it out.

I pressed the on button. There was a figure but I couldn't really make out the features but it looked like a tall, lanky man.

" hello mike, Hanna, Katiana and Sophia. You are now dead. But you are going to remain on earth. You will be living with each other. We have your families memories vanished about you. Everybody know you. You will be living with a person just like you guys are. Her name is Cindy. You are going to be known as her adopted children. You will also be attending the same school. But there is a twist. There are some..... People in your school that aren't really...... People. They are evil. They are vampires. What you have to do is kill them. You have powers now. You can read minds and you cannot get hurt at all. You have to kill them all. There are two steps into killing a vampire.

1. Put a steak through their heart

2. Burn their body

There are a few ways to tell if somebody is a vampire.

1. They don't eat

2. They have black hair

3. You can't read their minds.

There are 10 vampires in your school. And they are they last vampires in the world. We have programmed their brains to stay where they are. But that was all we could do. The rest it up to you four.

But there is one rule.

1. You can't tell people what you are

There will be major consequences if you tell. I'm not going to tell you what they are, but they are terrible.

Good luck with your mission. You are the chosen. "

With that the screen went blank. We all looked at each other and the next thing I knew, we were standing in our new house.


Authors note

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I promise this wont be a romantic vampire lovey twilight book!!!

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