Once I secure the business, it was done. But that would take nearly up to a year, "You know, this is the strangest wedding ever, will there even be cake?" Adrian questioned.

"Do you mind just zipping that mouth of yours till we get through this ceremony?"

"Why are you such a jerk?"

"I said zip." Adrian scowled.

"Darius! What are you doing, don't sit down, you're meant to be standing at the altar!" 

I looked up as my mother started rushing towards me, "Is that necessary?"

She nodded, I sighed, very well then. My suit won't crease if I stand.  I followed her instructions, taking a few steps as I heard the piano, there was a long introduction, and painful quietness, and no movement from behind me. Perhaps the bride did take the getaway car. The corners of my lips lifted up with the idea of someone running in and screaming "The bride is missing."

"You're not even going on a honey moon," 

I frowned looking at Adrian, "Are you still talking?" I questioned. 

Adrian looked up giving me one of his irritated looks, "Yes because I bought this new tuxedo and you're not even wearing anything nice. I should be getting married instead."

"Be my guest."

"Yeah no I'll pass, she's probably some old frail grandmother." His eye widened and he leaned over to whisper, "I bet you ten shares."

Jesse cleared his throat and I looked up at him as he nodded.

Damn...she was here.

The Father and his assistant seemed to be in a deep discussion which piqued my interest but with Adrian's yapping in my ear I couldn't seem to make out what they were talking about.

"Well are you going to bet me ten shares cuz?"

"Adrian leave Darius alone," My mum's whispering voice pushed through giving me some space between Adrian as Jesse leaned against the wall watching with a look I knew, he would get me out of here if I wanted to. 

There was still time to get out of this. I inhaled a deep breathe, not realising that I was holding my breathe. I blamed the tight suit. It was restricting my breathe. I cleared my throat clasping my hands in front of me waiting. 

"Aunty Q, I'm just asking."

"You can ask later, we are pressed for time he has a flight to catch." mum pushed him another step away before flocking to me touching my hair and fussing over me. I stood still knowing that if I moved or told her to leave me alone it would only take her even longer.

"Aw look at my baby, all grown up." She smiled and I replicated a small smile back, staring into her green eyes, it had been a long time since I saw her this happy. She leaned over giving me a kiss on my cheek before wiping it with her sleeve fussing that she got lipstick all over my cheek. 

"Your father is very proud of you." She said smiling. I didn't move, sure he is. 

 Giving me another long look she patted my shoulder before going back to where her husband, my father,  was waiting and I didn't turn back to look if he was still here. I was surprised he could make it for the wedding. 

Adrian leaned over whispering, "So, the ten shares?"

I looked over at him, "Adrian, shove those shares -," the sound of the piano picking up pace and tuning to the familiar aisle theme made us all stop talking. 

 I remained still as I could hear a whispering and out the corner of my eye I saw the blob of white getting closer. The blob of white turned into layers and layers of fabric. Fabric that swayed, was she going to faint, it was boiling in this church. It would be a sauna under that. 

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