Is robin blind?

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This is a theory that my friend made I have young justice comic so one of my friend said I think Robin is blind because he wear glasses but if you think about it Robin could be blind by heart because he saw his parents fall to their deaths and that could hurt him plus he saw it with he own eye. But if really think about it if Robin was blind he won't be a hero and batman would be more productive of him and won't his team mates be more productive of him.But it can't be possible he well be blind he dose acrobatics and I don't think blind people can do that. But hey it just a theory a Robin theory see you guy next time .But if he was muted now that well excited also if you what you guy should check out The Bird who Can't Sing it so cool it tells what it well be like if Robin was a mute.

Hey this are theory that I made up and you guy can makeup some to and mite be in a page and I well talk about it.
P.s you guy should watch game theory it tell you theory of you favorited video games and he made a other channel called film theory were he does theories of your favorite films.

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