Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Adrian arrived at the Pandemonium slightly before half nine and well before the 'actual party' would even begin. Even then there were people lining up outside to get in; both downworlders and mundanes. As always the mundanes were completely oblivious to the supernatural creatures around them.

He bypassed the line ignoring the annoyed glances and comments he received as he went.

"Mr Fairchild." The bouncer spoke in greeting as he pushed open the door. Adrian nodded his head to the bouncer as he stepped past him and into the club.

Despite it being early the club was still full of people dancing to almost deafening music. He wrinkled his nose as it adjusted to the smell of alcohol and sweat.

"Ah, Adrian. There you are." Magnus grinned, appearing out of nowhere. He was surprisingly good at disappearing for a warlock with more glitter than the rest of the room put together.

"Magnus." Adrian greeted his friend and casting him a small smile. Despite his blatant dislike for parties he still enjoyed seeing Magnus along with some of the other warlock's Adrian had met over the past few years.

"I've created a new drink I want you to try."

The warlock steered him over to the bar that he reached across to grab two drinks from the side. He passed one over to Adrian who eyed the drink suspiciously. Magnus waved his hand over the drink causing it to shimmer blue for a second before fading back to a clear liquid.

"This one won't cause my eyebrows to fall off will it?" Adrian questioned semi-joking. The last drink Magnus had tried combining magic into had actually caused Adrian's eyebrows to drop out. Something that Magnus had taken many images of before fixing.

"Probably not." Magnus shrugged.

"Why does it always have to be probably?"

Despite the risk to his safety, Adrian voluntarily clinked glasses with Magnus before raising the drink to his lips. He released the breath he held before drinking the content of the glass in one.

The alcohol burnt his throat on the way down, but a steady warmth filled his stomach.

"It tastes like strawberries." He frowned, reaching up to check his eyebrows. An amused smile formed when he realised they were still there.

"Your faith in me is heartwarming."

"You did leave me eyebrowless last time."

"That could have happened to anyone, besides I fixed them."

"After taking fifty photos." Adrian laughed. He wasn't too bothered about the whole ordeal. He enjoyed using it against the warlock though as proof that he did make mistakes.

"It was an unmissable opportunity."

"I'll be sure to remember that when something embarrassing happens to you."

Adrian felt a slight buzz as the alcohol began to take effect. Whatever Magnus had done to it had certainly made it stronger. A lot stronger.

"Oh wow, that's stronger than I expected." Magnus muttered.

Adrian had a higher alcohol tolerance than the warlock despite how many years the warlock had spent building up his. It wasn't something he was proud of. In fact, he was half convinced that if it wasn't for Magnus then he would have died of alcohol poisoning at some point over the past few years.

For a long time, alcohol had been the teenager's escape from protecting his sister. From all the secrets he had to keep. From his failing school grades. From the demons that wanted to kill him. From his mother that didn't realise that Adrian could hardly live a life of his own. From his worries and hidden insecurities. From his sexuality. From everything.

"Much stronger and much less destructive." Magnus commented sounding pleased with himself.

Adrian knew that the warlock had taken it upon himself to try and help him. He'd tried most things. He offered to take away Adrian's most painful memories which was something he had deeply considered before refusing. As much as the memories caused him pain not remembering would be worse. The warlock had tried to persuade him to go to counselling. He'd even offered to stop making Clary forget against Jocelyn's wishes.

In the end though, none of those things had helped. That is, those that were a realistic solution.

"Your not allowed to drink anything else tonight." Magnus stated leading him in the direction of the other warlocks.

"Adrian." Stefan greeted him. "Haven't seen you in a while."

Stefan was another warlock. He had a row of fish gills that ran down the side of his neck and his skin looked shiny when shone under certain light, similar to fish scales. He was one of the warlocks who had come to be comfortable around the teenage shadowhunter.

"Hey Stefan. I haven't seen you in- It must have been at least two months by now."

"How are things?"

"Ok. I actually managed to hand in my last art project on time, which is a first. How's the new girlfriend?"

"Slowly driving me crazy." Stefan laughed but he spoke with a tone of affection that Adrian hadn't heard in his voice before.

He smiled, knowing that Stefan hadn't had a steady girlfriend for the past hundred years. "I'm glad you're happy."

"Thanks mate. We'll just have to find you one now."

Adrian's smile froze, uncertainty flooding through his mind.

He was grateful when his phone went off, excusing him from continuing into a conversation he would rather avoid. He pulled it out of his pocket, noticing two new messages from Clary that were sent a few minutes apart.

Hey, we're outside the Pandemonium club. Meet us there?

We're going inside. Message me when you get here

Adrian turned to say goodbye to Stefan, telling him that he had to be somewhere before wandering off to find Magnus.

He pushed his way through the crowds of dancing bodies heading in the direction of Magnus' 'VIP' area. He was almost there when he bumped into someone causing both of them to stumble back from the force of the impact.

Casting his gaze up, he met a pair of dark blue eyes and for the fleeting second that their eyes met he felt his breath hitch in his throat.

"Sorry." The blue eyed teenager spoke despite the fact that it had been Adrian's fault. Adrian couldn't bring his brain to form a coherent reply as the teenager turned and rushed off.

Adrian watched after him scanning the black gear and quiver of arrows strung across his back. A shadowhunter?

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