Green paper the soul taker

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This is the wound that tears us apart. Biting at our hands.

It's no bigger than my own hand in curled inside the warm skin.

But it has consumed and damned all our hearts.

The heart that used to bleed "love, Family, Justice, Equality" now bleeds "ultimate greed and glutney." The dollar bill is now the control to your soul. YOU TEAR US APART.

I tryed time and time agian to tell you what im thinking.

But you curse me with your tounge. Am i really that bad of a child?

Or is it only the dollar bill that posseses the gleeming sparks of your eyes?

Now i see it is alright. I can survive with out your love even though it is destroying me deep down inside. Goodbye.....

Green paper the soul takerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora