Couple days later
Eren's pov-

  It's been a few days since Levi became my servant. I had been informed by one of my guards that Levi had been meeting with a young lady that goes by the name of Petra Ral whenever he goes on the errands.
  I know Levi loves me more than her and will continue to remain Loyal to me, but I couldn't help but to feel jealous at the thought of him being around her more than me.
  I know it was wrong of me to feel this way, but I couldn't help it. So, I decided to solve this problem.
"Levi!" I yelled. I'm only doing this to test his loyalty. I'm only doing this to test his loyalty. I'm only doing this to test his loyalty.
"Yes King Eren?" Levi said as he opened my door and bowed.
"I need you to do something for me." I said calmly, doing my best not to show any emotion.
"Yes my lord?" I took in a deep breath before speaking the next words.
"I need you to kill a girl by the name of Petra Ral." I turned to face him so I could study his face. He blinked surprise a bit, but that quickly went away as he bowed down once more.
"Yes my lord. Anything for you."

Third person-

Levi walked down the dark hallways of the castle wearing a black, hooded cloak. The only light came from the full silver moon.
Levi had told Petra to meet him by a fountain in an abandoned garden at midnight. Levi did not question Eren when he had told him to kill her. If Eren wanted it, it shall come true.
Petra was sitting on the edge of the fountain in a pink dress, playing with the fallen leaves and flowers in the water.
"Petra..." Petra turned around to see the ravenette, that she had grown feelings for, in a black cloak. She immediately got to her feet.
"Levi!" She said happily. She was happy to see her new friend, but her happiness slowly faded when she noticed the look in his eyes. "Levi..."
"I'm sorry Petra. I'm only following orders." Before Petra could react, she felt an agonizing pain in her stomach. "I'm sorry."
Despite the pain she was in, Petra pieced everything together. Smiling, she hugged Levi.
"I don't blame you. You're forgiven. Good-bye..."
Levi held her limp body a little more before gently placing her on the ground next to the fountains edge. Grief filled Levi, but he just pushed it back and walked back to the castle.

Eren's pov-

There had been worrisome talk throughout the town ever since the founding of Petra's death. The people have been blaming it on me.
I wouldn't blame them, I did give the order. There had been talk of executing me. I had already sent the guards away.
The maids and commander of the guards stayed along with Levi.
They all promised not to say anything about me. I was to be kept a secret. Well everyone promised except for Levi.
Suddenly a jacket was thrown around my shoulders. I turned around only to be pulled by my wrists, away from the window where I was standing.
Levi, the one who had dragged me, stopped in the empty ballroom. He hugged me tightly. I blinked, confused from the sudden actions, but still hugged back.
"Eren, go to my room and put on my spare clothes. I want you to run and don't turn back. Get as far away from here as possible. No one has ever seen you so no one will notice that you had left." Levi whispered in my ear. My eyes widened.
"Le-" I started, but he interrupted me with a kiss. Much to my dislike, he pulled away to quickly.
"Just go! And hurry, they'll be here soon." With that he let me go and ran out of the ballroom leaving me alone.
I shook my head and followed his orders. I ran out of the ballroom and into his bedroom where a long, black, hooded cloak lay on the bed along with some clothes that were slightly bigger than Levi himself. Was he already planning this?
I quickly took off my clothes, hiding them and then changing into the others. They were a perfect fit. I slipped the cloak on and took a small dagger with me just in case.
With that I turned and ran out the of the room and through the empty hallways.
"King Eren!" I heard one of my maids whisper. I turned and saw Hanji and the commander of the guards, Erwin standing in front of the door way to the basement. I ran towards them.
"Erwin is going to lead you through the basement and to the back of the castle so you won't be noticed." Hanji said. I nodded frantically. Before I was about to leave with Erwin, Hanji stopped me.
"Eren, good luck. It's been an honor working for you. My lips are sealed. Good-bye." She whispered. I offered a small, sad smile in return and followed Erwin through the dimly-lit hallways of the basement.
I don't know how long it took until Erwin finally stopped. "Good luck Eren." He said with a bow. I gave him a curt nod and walked up the passage way until I came upon a small door, just big enough for me to crawl through.
Opening it, I crawled out into a forest. I closed the door and started running as far away from the castle as possible.

Next morning-

I was able to afford a small room at an inn in the town. Much to my sadness, Levi, who was acting as me, was getting executed today. I pulled on the cloak and walked through the normally peaceful town.
I walked over to the large crowd around the guillotine(this thingy👇🏻)

   I walked over to the large crowd around the guillotine(this thingy👇🏻)

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where Levi was in my clothes and being pushed onto his knees. I pushed my way through the crowd until I was standing right in front of him.
I stared into his beautiful silver-blue eyes as he stared into my blue-green ones. He smiled softly and I offered one back, giving my best efforts not to cry.
He mouthed the words 'I love you' before they let go of the rope and the Moutan cut his head off. My smile quivered and began to fade as my tears streamed down my cheeks. I fell to my knees, not being able to stand any longer.
I continued to cry as everyone left, the guards taking Levi's body for burial. I sat there as dusk stared to fall, the sun turning the sky and clouds purple, orange and pink.
From this moment on, I will not be known as Eren Jeager anymore. I have to change my name and leave. Shakily, I get up and walk through the empty, dark town.
Levi had remained my faithful servant to the very end just as he had promised. He had followed my every order and sacrificed his all...

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