8 months later

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It had been 8 months since I had finished my recovery in the hospital from Eleanor's attack. I still had reoccurring nightmares about that night, some were so bad, I would wake up screaming and in tears. I wished that my Louis was here to comfort me and hug me, but he is currently on tour and wasn't gonna be back in town for another 2 months, he promised he'd be back for new years eve. The fact that I was alone in our new apartment didn't help my panic attacks, so I dialled Louis' number. He said I could call him anytime I felt a panic attack coming on. I was greeted with Louis' rough, sleepy voice, which sounded really sexy, despite the fact that I was still shaking and breathing heavy. "H-hey babe, do you have any idea what time it is...hold on, are you okay? You sound like you've had or are in the process of having a panic attack...did you have another nightmare babe?" I nodded my head, but remembered he couldn't see me. "Y-yeah babe...I'm s-sorry for calling so late...I-I'm just scared of being by myself for another 2 months...I wish you here.." I managed to get out before breaking down in sobs. Louis shushed me over the phone "shhhh it's okay babe...I'll sing you back to sleep if you want" he said as he started to sing "moments"...I felt myself drift off to sleep. Just before I did, I swore I heard Louis say "goodnight my lovely angel, I'll be home sooner than you think", but that could've been my own wishful thinking...

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