Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 (Jared's POV)

"Wake up, thug!" I whisper yelled into James's ear and he shuddered before holding tighter to the bed spread. I rolled my eyes and climbed on top of him, completely aware that he would have a heart attack when his eyes opened. I took a deep breath and leaned really close to his left ear before shouting, "Get the hell up, lazy ass!!"

James's eyes shot open and for a second, I thought I saw a flash of passion and lust pass through them before he blinked and stared at me blankly. I hated that look. He never let me know what he was thinking. Stupid James.

"Why are you on top of me, Jared?" He raised an eyebrow and stared at me with slight curiosity.

"Trying to get your ass out of bed. It's Saturday." I hinted. Saturdays, Saturdays, Saturdays.

"Satur- OH! How could I forget? Yeah, whatever! Go call Sabrina." He muttered and hurt flashed through his eyes before he covered it up with the same blank face.

"Why would I do that?" I sat on his lower legs and he sat up, with me still in his lap. This wasn't gay at all. Not the sarcasm. I shifted uncomfortably, but stayed put.

"Because she's your girlfriend and you always take her with us." He looked away and I glared at his right ear.

"Look at me." I crossed my arms and he looked at me with a blank expression. "Not with that look, either. Show me what you're feeling. Or tell me, at least." I added to let him know that I really did want to know.

"Why?" He whispered and I groaned, annoyed. I pushed his chest and he fell back on the bed, then sat back up.

"Now, James. Are you going to tell me why you seem annoyed when Sabrina is brought along?" I wiggled my butt around until I found a comfortable spot and James gave me a weird look. "What?" I shrugged and he just blinked.

"Why are you rubbing your ass on my dick?" He scooted back until his back hit the wall and I moved with him, determined to stay on his lap no matter how gay I felt.

"Not doing it on purpose." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, then looked at him with a serious face. "Now tell me why you don't like Sabrina." I narrowed my eyes and stared into his.

"It's not that I don't like her. I do, but sometimes you need to leave certain things to stay just ours. Not mine, yours, and Sabrina's." James leaned his head back and his eyes glazed over. I shifted a little, not wanting to tell him about what I heard in the locker room, but wanting to know for myself.

"You know, James. Some of the guys in the locker room were saying- Saying that- That-" I started and stumbled throughout the small amount of words I had spoken. I couldn't say it.

"Saying what?" His head shot up and his eyes narrowed indicating that he wanted to hurt someone or possibly cry. Maybe both.

"Well, that Brice Simpsons told them that- That you- You really like- " I couldn't say it so I said something in general, "Someone." I finished.

"Was this someone named?" His eyes stayed in the same slits and his fists clenched. Uh-oh.

"Um, yeah?" I said nervously, playing with the hem of my boxers.

"And who was it?" He moved around, more than likely trying to push me off his lap, but I stayed stone-still, making sure he couldn't even budge me.

"Uh..." My eyes flitted around the room and I felt his own bore into my cheek, "Me?" I muttered and his breathing immediately stopped. I mean, it just stopped. His chest stopped moving in and out, his face turned a bright blue and red, his Adam's apple froze in the middle of his throat, and his mouth fell slightly open. It took a moment for his breathing to pick back up and I stared at him, waiting for his huge denial saying that I wasn't good enough and I was too ugly, or stupid, or not his 'type'. And I understood. Me being a bisexual in the closet.

"Uh.. What the hell?" He muttered and shoved me- with brutal force- out of his lap and onto the floor. He made his way to the bathroom and slammed the door shut so hard that the walls shook a little. I stared at the door in shock, still on my butt on the floor, and waited for him to come out. He eventually did- an hour and a half later. I was still sitting stock-still on the floor and his face turned a bit amused before he made his way downstairs, ignoring me after that look.

"Dude?" I followed him and he rushed into the kitchen. "Dude?" I repeated and still no reply. "James!" I hissed and glared at him. He stopped and turned.

"What?" He glared at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I'm going home." I hissed and went back to his room to put my clothes on.

"Shit. Jared? Jared!" He followed me and stood in the doorway, watching me dress.

"What?" I snapped and went to exit but he stopped me.

"It's Saturday. Nothing stupid the guys say is going to stop us from hanging out." He pointed at me and I sighed.

"Fine. Forget all about this?" I crossed my arms and looked up at him. He was only two inches taller than me and I still felt short.

"Duh." He snorted and moved so I could leave. "Where are you going?" He looked back at me and I grinned.

"Nowhere if you want me to watch." I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"Do whatever you want, dumbass." He went to grab a plaid blue shirt and his black Capri's, along with his black vans.

"I'll watch..." I looked over at him and he stared at me, "Your TV." I finished with a smirk and flopped down on his bed. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him take off his shirt and pull on the clean one, then take off his pajama pants- then look over at me.

"I got to change my boxers. Want me to go to the bathroom?" He stared at me and I swallowed.

"Nah, it's fine. You can change in here." I coughed, hoping to cover up the slight excitement that entered my voice when I said that. He took a deep breath and pulled off his boxers. To me, the world slowed down and my heart picked up. I stared at his lower area and he slowly- very very very slowly- pulled on his boxers. Once his- ahem- area was covered, I went back to watching him change in the normally revolving earth, with a close to normal heartbeat.

"Ready to go?" He looked at me and I shook my head.

"Man, I got to wear clean clothes." I pointed out and he tossed me a red shirt, red and white plaid Capri's, red vans, and a pair of boxers. Oh good Lord.

"Uh, want me to-"

"I changed in here, so can you." He rolled his eyes and sat down in my place. I swallowed harder and started to remove my clothing. First my shirt, then my pants, then- lastly- my boxers. The world slowed down again and his eyes stayed glued to the TV, even though I could see one eye drift to my direction. I tried my best to hide the smirk that found its way onto my face. I stopped for a moment to stare down at my lower body. I had to smirk then. His eyes followed my direction and his breath hitched in his throat. Or at least, that's what it looked like.

"You okay over there?" My voice came out rather scratchy and I cursed myself for getting excited. He notice that, too. So damn observant sometimes!

"Are you?" You could tell he was trying not to laugh at my growing erection and I raced to the bathroom, so damn embarrassed. How did he not get excited, too? He's the gay one. Well, I guess I'm being judgmental because I'm bi, but still! Not right.

"Shut up!" I called through the now shut door when I heard his laughter. I hurried to fix it and finished getting dressed. When I was done, I reentered the room. He stared at me so damn amused that I wanted to punch him. Or kiss him, my mind chirped. I cursed inwardly and glared at James.

"Let's go." I hissed and grabbed the jacket, making my way to the garage to get in his car.

"What's wrong? Not feeling better, now that you aren't as excited?" He bit his lip to keep from laughing and I punched him lightly in the chest.

"Shut the hell up." I hissed and climbed into the passenger's seat. He laughed and patted my shoulder- the hand I soon brushed off.

"It's okay. Don't be embarrassed. I'm just better at hiding it." He smirked and I contemplated the double meaning of that sentence. Did he just admit that he was excited, too??

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