Chapter 2

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3rd person's POV
From: Akabane Karma
Are you awake neko-chan~!You didn't forget about the date didn't you?

Akane blushed, taken aback by the sudden text message.

She sighed, she had mixed feelings about going. She didn't want to go but had the feeling that it'll be fun. In the end she found herself ready for the 'date', wearing a red skirt which reached above her knees, black stockings, black shoes  and a white jacket over a black top.

'Why am I wearing this!?'

She wondered, trying to remember what made her wear something so 'showy', her ruby eyes glared at her reflection in the mirror as she  said "Mind, do you have a bug or something?"

She started to take it off but was stopped by the mischievous redhead "Eh~!You look cute" Said Karma who was outside her window, on a tree.

"What are you doing there!? No, more importantly how long have you been there!?" She asked, covering herself with her blanket "I've been here for a while now"

With a beat red face, she said " P-pervert" and closed the curtains "Oi, neko-chan come out already, were going to be late"

"We? Late? Its not even 9 yet" She reasoned out, confused."We're going on a triple date" You face palmed 'And here I thought we're going to be alone' the thought which crossed her mind made her blush and slap herself, she felt weird again.

'This stupid feeling again, this feeling that I am so ignorant of, what is it?'

'Could it be-' Her thoughts were interrupted when Karma suddenly  went in her room

"C'mon" was what he said. Akane still covered with her blanket, took the clothes that was scattered on the floor and wore them, still covering herself with the blanket "Hurry up!" He shouted

"Okay, okay. I'm done!" When she finally finished, he dragged her out, carrying her, bridal style outside the window, leaping from tree to tree, tree to house, to fences until they reached their destination.

"Am I still alive?" She asked herself, shivering from the shock. "Yup, your alive and well"

She took a deep breath "Put me down Akabane" she said "So you also have that aura huh?" Said karma as he let her down

"What aura?" She asked, wondering what he meant " The kind of aura that says 'Disobey me and your dead'" He explained

"What?" She cocked her head to the side and gave him a quizzical look "Hm..." He closed his eyes, thinking of a way to make Akane understand " an emperor"
(Lol now I'm confused with myself)

"Yeah~!The type which doesn't want others to disobey her orders" He said, smiling brightly at her. Akane blushed and smiled back "Then you must be my dog"

"Heh, I'm a rebel in your kingdom. But why would I be your dog?" Karma asked

'Cause you make me happy' Akane thought, smiling "Your playful and mischievous, not to mention a little annoying" She glanced at karma, checking what his reaction is, he was smirking at Akane. She looked away.

Their conversation continued for a few minutes, one thing led to another and so they were already debating whether love can kill people or not

They stopped when they were interrupted by a blonde woman who was with a blonde man "Oi Karma you actually have a date" the man said "I never thought that you would have a date" the girl added

"Heh, I can't let my ship sail without me watching" Was his reply, on the side, Akane felt a little bit lonely. Like a side character who didn't have a special role in a movie, it was inevitable, since she and Katma only just met and she was basically unknown in this town. She just transferred here after all while Karma and his friends live here there whole lives or at least for a while now. Maybe she should just go away, better yet, she should've stayed in her classroom instead of going to the mountains.

She stood there, behind Karma looking down. Her thoughts of going back were interrupted when Karma introduced her to his friends "This is Akashi Akane" She looked up "Yo, I'm Nakamura Rio and this is Terasaka. Nice to meet you" Said the blonde woman "Likewise"

Nakamura started to talk to her and every word she said opened a door in Akane. And soon after 5 minutes of talking with Nakamura, Akane  opened up to her, they became friends.

"Um, who are we waiting?" Akane asked "The main characters" Nakamura eyes sparkled, mischief within them.

"The main characters?" She asked again "Oh~ there they are" Karma announced

Two silhouettes emerged from the crowd. A bluenette and a green-haired girl.

"You two sure are late" Terasaka said, scratching his head

"Ah, gomen. We ran into Bitch-sensei and Karasuma-sensei-"

Akane's POV

Karma and the others went near the two, I stayed behind them. 'I'm alone again' I looked at the ground

"Ah, are you Akashi Akane" A familiar voice said, I looked up and saw the bluenette.

"Y-yes" I stuttered "I knew it!" He gave out a smile "um... and your are?"

"Haha, so you really did forget about me" he scratched his head. 'Wait, he looks familiar and he sounds familiar' I closed my eyes, trying to remember him. 'Akane-chan' a voice rang inside my head

I opened my eyes upoun realizing who he is. "Are you by any chance Nagisa?"

"I am!" he said "I thought your a girl!" I exclaimed, chuckles could be heard from behind him.

"Gomen" I apologized, realising my mistake "I-its fine, Akane-chan"

The day continued and we went to the park. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom since it was April.

3rd person's POV

"Ne, Akabane-kun"

"What?" Karma answered, looking at Nagisa and Kayano. "Is this really a date?" She said "Not really, you see we're helping Kayano confess to Nagisa so we planned this"

"I see"
'Why am I feeling down?'
That question kept on repeating in her mind.  As her heart kept on aching, her head spinned, her vision was blurry. The last thing she saw was the cherry blossoms that dance in the air and a voice that she happened to be familiar with "Akane-chan!"

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