Give a Girl a Heads up

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Yuki walked onto the campus of the all-boys school and couldn't help but feel unsettled. She adorned her schools uniform for third years, which varied in rank. Since she was the student council president her blazer was white with black lining the edges along with a gold armband around her upper arm that only the President of student council acquires. Her skirt was black with white lace on the bottom and below her blazer was a white button up and a black scarf. (If anyone can draw me this omg that would be great!~) Her pale legs were covered to about her mid-thigh black thigh highs and her feet had white high heeled pumps. Even if she was dressed out of her uniform however-

It wouldn't change the fact that all of the boys left outside were staring at her...

"...I really hate coming here..." She mumbled before she hurried inside and up the stairs, rushing to the student council rooms. Ignoring the usual whistles and whispers. "I really wish Hiragi would set up a different place where it's equal ground. Not somewhere where I feel like the passage in is through a bunch a pervs... Fearing for my safety isn't fun..." Yuki couldn't help but grumble in dissatisfaction before opening the door to the Kao Council room.

"Hm?..." She slipped in and looked around. "They're not here... again..." She growled before closing the door behind her. "Christ... Hiragi... You're so annoying sometimes...!" Before she could just make the whole situation more frustrating she stopped and took a deep breath. "Okay... He's an idiot... we've established this a few times... Now how to pass the time till he gets here? Oh!

"I need to work on my part for the cover... If I mess up I'm sure to get some grief about it... Bonus is I really love the song...~" She took off her blazer and the scarf around her neck. She wouldn't admit it but she really hated how preppy the uniform had her looking like. She'd much prefer just to wear the skirt and blazar. That wouldn't be much problem with her – but like Ayanagi, there were traditions.

She took her phone out from her skirt pocket before pressing a song and pressing play. Three dots played first before the song actually started.

In the beginning a smile graced her lips and she couldn't stifle the giggle that left her lips. Her movements were smooth and relaxed. When it was called for, her movements were sharp and hard (in a good way).

As she danced however, she did not notice a pair of eyes looking at her from the door in the room with her. Nor did she care as she let her mind wander to thoughts of the past...

"Yuki, you can't let your emotions hide while dancing." A teenage male said, maybe 18. His dark maroon hair got much lighter at the ends. His eyes mismatched and bright, "If you want people to look at you; to grab their attention. You have to show them you're not afraid to show emotion and relate to the song. Okay? Don't be afraid to give it your all. Even if it's for something as small as an entrance audition."

A younger girl, Yuki, stood a bit away from him and nodded. She looked no older than 13. "I know... It's just... The girls at Yukui Academy are always-"

"The girls at Yukui are just strict with tradition. But I know you can change that if you just show them who you are. If you show how much better a performance can be if you show emotions and get really into the song." Her brother interrupted before getting down to one knee. "Even if you're practicing. Even just giving 90% instead of 50 is better. Because then you can prepare yourself for the real thing more accurately."

"Oh... okay. So if I practice like that and do what you say and give my all... I'll be as good as you, Akira-nii?" Yuki asked with much excitement.

"No, you'll be even better~" He immediately tackled his sister into a hug and the two laughed.

"You have such great movement, miss." Spoke a male voice.

"Eeek!" She shrieked before spinning too quickly on her heel and turning only to trip over her feet and fall to her side. "Tssssss... owowowowow..." She groaned as she pushed herself up a bit and sitting on her butt. "Higari I swear you little-", before she went on however she looked up to see not who she thought the voice belonged too. No... Instead of silver eyes she expected to meet with, she was met with crimson. His hair tied up in a ponytail with crimson and a smile gracing his lips as he reached a hand down to her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you at all... You okay? Nothing hurts too bad right?" He asked.

Yuki was left kind of dumbfounded. Who was he? He seemed familiar, and that slight free-spirited smile on his face made the feeling all the stronger. Though that human 'stranger-danger don't interact' instinct seemed to have gone to shit as she took his hand and allowed him to help her stand back up. "No... Not really... It was a hard fall but nothing too bad... If you don't mind me asking, what's your name and why are you here?"

"My name is Itsuki Ootori, and I'm the newest member of the Kao council. And you are?" He seemed puzzled that she was even in the school. "You do realize this is an all boy school, yes?"

"Well, I'm not dumb. I come here to speak with the Kao council here, since I was elected Student Council president at Fukui Academy." She stated with a half glare. Moving past him she put her blazer back on. "My name is Yuki. Where's Hiragi and the rest?"

"They're probably at the tryouts right about now."

"There a reason you're not?"

"Wanted to see something really quick." He chuckled before leaning against the table. "Was there something you needed?"

"Just some times... and dates. I'll stop by tomorrow, I'm gonna be late if I don't leave now..." Yuki stated lightly before her words became nothing but a whisper at the end. "Honestly, Hiragi... give a girl a heads-up." And without another word, she left the newest member of the Kao Council the council room.

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