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This is it. Breathing out heavily I watch my prey walk across the street to a feild. I've been watching him for months. This little fuckers been kidnapping and raping little boys. I continue to let my eyes follow him as he slinks towards a house. The lights flicker off within the windows and the man becomes harder to see.
"Fucker doesn't even know what's coming for him." I whisper while creeping across the same feild he had.

The man's silhouette becomes clearer and I tuck in beside a hay bale. He slides himself closer to the back door so I sprint the short stretch of land between us and duck behind a tree. The man trys the door handle but it seems to be locked.
"I find it hilariousss that you kill dirty humansss to feel better about yourssself." I hear a dark voice whisper seductively in my ear. I know it's just my dark shadow. He follows me every where, taunting and insulting me.

"Shut up" I hiss. The man turns obviously hearing me. I quickly move out of his sight. The man takes a step closer to the tree I'm behind. Knowing it's now or never I sprint at him and knock him to the ground. I instantly cover his mouth with a hanky and pull a knife to his throat.

"Do you think it's funny how you rape little boys man?" I sneer into his ear. He struggles against my grip so I pin his one arm under my knee and stab his forearm. A muffled screem escapes from him and I smirk.
"Do you think it's funny how you dump their naked and dead bodies in the river after you're done with them?" The man shakes his head furiously.

"I promise I'll change." The man trys to say but I shove the cloth further into his mouth, causing him to gage.
"I'll tell you what's really funny, what's really funny is how I'm going to cut your small dick off while you're still alive. Then, I'm going to slit your throat and burn your body and the most funniest part is that no one will know because no one will care." Tears stream down the mans cheeks and I laugh.

"No one loves a murderer. Trust me, I know." I decide to just slit the mans throat, not really wanting to see his dick let alone cut it off and have it in my hands. The man squeals and flops as blood squirts from his neck. I get off of him and watch as he grabs at his throat. His eyes wide and locked on me. Eventually he stops moving and his eyes glaze over. I grab a garbage bag from my backpack and begin to pull his heavy body into it. Hiding the body behind a hay bail in the feild I run to my car and pull up beside where I had left him. I drag the body over to my range rovers and with much effort, I throw him into the back. Taking a moment to breath I look back at the house.

Normal people have no idea how beautiful the darkness really is..
"Going to go and celebrate now? Are you going to act like you're a normal perssson and drink a beer or two?"
My shadow sneers from behind me.
"And what if I did? Would that be so bad.. I'd look like just a normal guy at a bar. Everyone would be completely oblivious of who I really am." I mutter back still slightly out of breath.

"Ah the world is indeed full of monssstersss with friendly facesss. You never know which stranger will turn out to be a killer." Ignoring my shadow. I slide into my car and pull out onto the road. I decide to go straight home and burn the body. Dragging him into my garage I lay him out and pour gasoline over him. I pull out a match and light it. I watch it for a moment. Just a flicker of light in a dark room.

I drop the flame and watch as the body engulfs in flames. Sending shivers up my spine as heat hits me. Flames dance along his burning flesh and I smile.
"Perhapssss sssomeday you will find sssomeone Ethan. Perhapsss sssomeday." The shadow appears behind me again. I do not turn to see him. I never have and never will.
"I thought that, but then I realized that I am an invisible monster and I am incapable of loving anybody. I just don't know which is worse yet." I slouch down onto the ground and watch the flames. I feel a cold hand rest of my shoulder and I shut my eyes.

"You may think what you want. But I will control who comesss into your life and what you do with them." The voice sends shivers up my spine and the cold hand leaves my shoulder. I open my eyes once again. Looking at the flames I smile. Fire is so beautiful.

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