"What's up, Swan?" he asked, leaning back in his chair.

"I was wondering if you could run a deep background on a suspect for me?"

"It's gonna cost you," he said with a grin. "And I want more than a venti caramel macchiato."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Fine. What do you want? And don't say a date."

He let out a snort. "Unless you can hook me up with a hot single guy, a date's not what I'm after."

"Okay, then what?"

"I need more of those Funko Pop toys," he said, pointing at the large headed toys on his desk.

"Deal," I told him.

"Sweet! So, who am I looking for?"

"Eleazar Denali. He lives in Portland."

"I'll let you know what I find," Archie told me, and I thanked him before making my way back up the stairs and to the bullpen.

"What's it costing you?" Captain Banner asked before I could take a seat, and I saw him standing next to Emmett's desk, and I could only assume Emmett had filled him in.

"Some toy called a Funko Pop," I replied as I sat down.

"Those things are pretty cool," Banner said, and I just stared at him.

"My son collects them," he replied, and I nodded my head as if to say I got it. I'd totally forgotten Banner had a kid.

Emmett and I spent the next thirty minutes doing paperwork and following some minor leads when I realized it was almost seven, and I hadn't heard from Edward. Surely, he was back from Seattle by now. I called his cell phone, but there was no answer.

Frowning, I hung up and tried calling his store, thinking that perhaps he had picked up some inventory and was cataloguing it.

"What's wrong?" Emmett asked.

"Nothing," I told him, setting my phone aside and getting back to work.

We worked in silence, well, as silent as a police station could be, until Emmett's stomach let out a rumbling and mine followed suit.

"I'm starving!" he declared, and I let out a small snicker. He was always hungry.

"Grab something from the vending machine," I suggested.

"I don't have any cash," he pouted before informing me that he was going to run to the diner real quick and grab a burger to go. I told him to pick me one up as well with extra mayo and pickles, and then he left.

While we sat around eating our burgers, I heard my phone ringing, but I had a greasy fingers, not to mention that my phone was buried underneath some files on desk, so I let it go to voicemail.

Once we were done eating, I wiped my hands on my napkin and dug around for my phone. Eventually, I found it and saw that I had a voicemail.

I hit play and sat up straight when I heard Edward's voice telling me that he'd been in an accident, but that he was okay.

I jumped up from my chair, grabbing my coat, as I listened to the message again.

"What's wrong?" Emmett asked as I frantically dug around my desk for my keys.

"Edward was in a car accident," I told him, cursing when I couldn't find the keys to my car.

"Is he hurt?"

"He left me a message, saying that he was fine, but I need to see him," I told him as I finally found my keys.

"Let me drive," Emmett insisted, holding out his hands for the keys, and I didn't even try to argue, I just tossed him the keys as I told him that Edward had said he was on his way home.

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