"Oh shit... Deon."

I forgot that he was in a fight. Running as fast as I could I pushed past some students and went outside to see if he was okay. Rickey was standing between the two of them and they each had bloody murder as their expressions. To my surprise they were both bleeding and injured.

"You guys are friends and have been for years now. I can't believe that you're fighting because of some girl!"

"I'm not fighting because of that bitch, he's the fucking loser that betrayed us!"

"You asshole!"

Deon lunged for him and once again Rickey pushed them apart.

"Both of you stop!" Rickey shouted. "Jake, she's a person so have some damn respect and Deon, could you go one second without trying to kill him?"


"Shut up! I'm not done." He interrupted Deon before he could speak.

"You guys are behaving so childish right now. Look I get that he's behaving like a total ass right now but that's no reason for you to act like this." He said to Jake.

"And you... I don't know what game you're trying to pull but dude.... Come on."

"I'm not pulling any games. He's the one that came up here acting like a total ass when I didn't do anything and I sure as hell didn't go around tryna fuck up his relationship the first time I saw him and Rachel together!"

"Don't you dare bring her into this."

"Oh so I can't bring Rachel in but you can bring Lilly in?! Boy you tripping."

"You know! Both of you need to calm down. We have basketball practice this afternoon, how bout we don't kill each other until then okay. Can I trust you guys to behave?"

I watched as Jake pushed Rickey's hand away from him and he stormed off. Rickey then looked at Deon who just shook his head and walked away. Well this was an interesting turn of events. The bell rung and we had no choice but to head back to class.

Today was going to be a long day.


"Deon please call me when you get the chance... I'm really worried and I... I just want to hear your voice."

I put down my phone for the umpteenth time as I tried and failed to get into contact with Deon. Classes had finished for the day and I tried locating him but he nor any of his friends showed up to basketball practice. I was worried that they were off somewhere settling the score like some 'hood' thugs and I just couldn't leave until I knew he was safe. His phone kept going to voicemail and it was beginning to irritate me.

His coach was also irritated and he almost threw a fit on the basketball court. Instead he punished the rest of the team. I got up off the bleachers and headed outside as my phone rang announcing that my brother was here.


"Can you sound less enthusiastic."

"I'm not in the mood Shane."

"What crawled up your butt and died?"

"Really Shane? Really?"

"Oookkk and that's my sign to go."

We sat for the remainder of the ride quietly brooding. Well I was brooding, he was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of his car radio. When we pulled up to his apartment I got out and went straight to my room. If I was sleeping on campus I would have been able to reach him and we could've talked. I groaned and threw my bag down. I hated this punishment. I tried to once more call his phone but still no answer.

Please God let him be okay.

I covered my eyes with my hands as I tried to clear my thoughts. The phone rang just then and I hurriedly pulled it out. It was Deon.

That was fast.

"Deon, oh my gosh, please tell me you're okay. Did he hurt you? Are you at the hospital? Oh gosh, something terrible happened didn't it?!"

"Baby, baby, calm down. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Are you still bleeding? Do you want me to come over?"

"I'm fine, we worked things out.... But, if you wanna come over I wouldn't be totally against it."

"You are such a creep."

"Hey, you suggested it."

I laughed as my heart was put at ease.

"So you guys worked it out?" I turned over on my bed and got comfortable.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't call, we were just working things out."

"It's okay, you're okay now."


"So are you going to tell me why he was acting like such a jerk off?"

"He was just being a guy."



"Okay... And what about that whole thing with him and my roommate?"

"What thing?"

"You tell me."

"It's nothing."

"Deon... Tell me."


"No. I wanna know now."

He exhaled before clearing his throat. The phone was silent for a while but I was determined to know what was going on. After a while he spoke.

"I used to sorta date Rae."



"You took her virginity."

"She told you."

"Not everything."

"Well... It wasn't just that..."

"Go on."

"I was her first but... She was mine too."


"I guess we were each other's firsts and am... I- we- I don't know. I loved her and she felt the same way..."


"But she wanted Jake."



"He took her from you."

"Yeah, something like that. But I'm not sweating it... It was years ago."

"I love you... You know that right?"


Long silence.

"I love you too."

He said it so softly that if I wasn't listening I would have missed it. A smile burst across my face at his revelation and I had to restrain my squeals.

"I gotta go."

"Okay bye."

"Bye Apples."

The line went went dead and I started fan girling. Every time he said he loved me it was like tiny people would start to lose their shit in my brain and upturn everything, I giggled once more as I pulled Sasha into a huge bear hug.

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