"I'm Jesse's brother... Juno."  He paused and Missy shook her head feeling his lips rub against her temple.  "Who the fuck is Jesse? I don't know a Jesse."  Instantly she felt the release of his arms from around her and he was laughing as he backed a few paces away.  "Damn that's sad; you don't even know the names of the men your mommy brings home to fuck?"  Anger rushed through her like a hot flame and she turned hurling the flashlight at the place she thought he may be standing.  "Fuck you! Why the hell are you in my room? If you think I'm about to give you what my stupid cunt mother is giving your brother in there you're wrong! That's not me."  Still shaking she lowered herself onto the edge of her bed but kept at the ready in case he came at her again.  "Hell no... I was bored as hell sitting outside, then it started to rain I thought I'd come in and try and hurry him up.  Looks like he's going to be at it all night though."  There was a flare as he struck a match and lit a cigarette, then she heard footsteps and soon felt a weight pressing on the bed at her side.  Glancing over about the time another streak lit the sky she saw his face and felt her stomach turn a flip.  "Sorry, I just didn't hear you come in and..."  Her words seemed to fall off into silence as she smelled the smoke from his cigarette and the craving hit her hard.  "You got another one of those?"

Juno handed her the pack and his book of matches.  "So what's up with the lights?  I mean, I know there's a storm and all but I saw lights on in the house just a few feet away."  Missy lit up and took a long drag from the Marlboro handing the pack back to him.  "Yeah, my mom didn't pay the bill again."  Juno shook his head and laughed.  "So you must be Missy Sue... your mom mentioned you when we came in tonight."  She was up and in motion then, pacing across the floor.  "Don't call me that, only she calls me that and I fucking hate it."  He held up his hands as though warding off her anger.  "Sorry, sorry, what you wanna be called then?"  Turning to face him she stared where she assumed his face to be.  "Missy... just Missy."  For a long moment there was an awkward silence that hung between them like some heavy blanket, then Juno spoke up again and she could have sworn she saw his eyes light up, the color a hot, coal, red.  "I got the keys to Jesse's truck... wanna go for a ride?"


The small group gathered beneath a dark and angry sky, collectively bearing an umbrella of sorrow for the man that had touched them both individually and as a pack.  They were a family of friends brought together by a destiny that had been their communal cross to bear since birth.  The dawn had marched dutifully across the land, conveying a somber gift of drizzle for the lost and loved one.  Somewhere along the horizon, the sun lazily climbed from bed and began its inevitable ascent.  Bright and cheerful streaks of sunshine were subdued by a thick fog, which kindly screened the poignant party from those warm rays.

Presently no one said a word of the passing or of the obvious agony the deceased had suffered.  His body had been mutilated.  Muscles were shredded and bone snapped clean in half like twigs beneath the powerful bite of a mad dog.  For this reason they all shared one very common and uneasy reflection.  By the law of breeding, Ashler Morris was due his father's position as pack alpha.  Traditionally, a new alpha's reign was marked with celebration and joy but no such festivities were employed today.  There was only anger and suspicion, both flamed to dizzying heights by Ashler's palpable absence among the pack.  It was his duty to address them about his father's death and advise them on the suddenly uncertain future.

From most, he was given no additional sympathy for his personal and profound loss, which was unique to him alone.  From most, he was afforded only blame and debt, both increasing tenfold with each silent minute that passed without an appearance.  A simply symphony was conducted by nature.  Birds called and leaves were rustled underfoot.  Silent prayers gave way to final goodbyes before the fragile peace was broken.  In the distance a noise echoed, both ominous and wretched as the wind elevated its tone.  Ashler Morris howled long and hard.  Whether out of grief or triumph, no one among the pack could be positively sure.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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