Meeting Mr. March

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It had been a week since the kids saw each other. But now they had a week to spend together. Due to her parents getting a divorce, Scarlett was going to stay with her

dad, to give her mother a break. When she got settled in, she ran down the stairs to Iris, the front desk clerk.

"What do you want?" Iris asked the girl.

She was still not very happy with this girl. Due to this girl she was yelled at twice. Once by the girls worried father. After she got things settled with him she was yelled

at by the new owner.

Scarlett ignored her tone.

"Do you know where Lachlan Drake is?" She asked.

"Why should I tell you?" Iris asked sarcastically.

"After all, you both will probably get into trouble, and cause me truble."

"You should tell me because he is my friend." Scarlett said with a smile.

Iris couldn't help smile at this. Ever since Lachlan had come, she felt a bit of life back in the building. It was nice to have a normal human child around.

"Top floor on the left." Iris said grumpily.

"Thank you" Scarlett yelled running up the stairs.

When she got their she knocked on the door.

"Come in" She heard Mr. Drake say.

"Scarlett," Lachlan said looking up from doing his math at the table.

"Dad, can I be done for today, please?" Lachlan begged of his father.

Will Drake sigh. He had been very busy the last few weeks and had put off a lot of homeschooling as it was. But he also knew Lachlan needed a new friend. After all, the

people staying here were all adults, most of whom he preferred Lachlan not hang around anyways.

"Please." Lachlan asked again.

"Yeah, pretty please." Scarlett chimed in.

Will laughed.

"Go on" He said reaching over and kissing his son's head.

"Yeah" The kids shouted running off.

"Come on" Lachlan said running to the elevator and pushing a button.

"Dad showed Claudia and I this really cool room yesterday. It was a regular hotel room but big."

When they got there they were surprised to see two people talking in there. One was a maid with sheets in her hands and the other a man that reminded Scarlett and

Lachlan of Mr. Stark in the first Captain America movie.

"Hello" The maid said surprised and gently.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Scarlett and this is Lachlan," She said.

"Oh, my name is Miss. Evers, I am the maid. And this is Mr. March." She said pointing to the man.

"No way." Lachlan whispered.

"What?" Scarlett asked.

"That looks like the same Mr. March that built the hotel. I'm doing a paper on this hotel and it's beginnings for history. But it can't be, he died years ago."

Miss. Evers and Mr. March exchanged looks.

"Mr. March?" Scarlett asked.

"That the last name of the characters in my book Little Women."

Mr. March laughed, "yes" he said.

He invited the children to sit down. It had been the first time in years that they had two living children visit the hotel, let alone them.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He asked leaning over to them.

They both nodded.

"I am a ghost, the ghost of Mr. March and Miss Evers is also a ghost." He said.

He was not sure if the kids would believe him or not. Miss Evers, who had started to dust the room, secretly hoped they did. These guys were cute.

"Ok" They said like it was an everyday thing.

"You guys believe me?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course, after all just last week we discovered children in coffins and a secret game room." Scarlett said.

"This is really cool." Lachlan said.

"Can I interview you for my paper, it would be so much easier than having to do the research."

"Wow, you are like the oldest person I know." Scarlett said before he could answer.

"You must know a lot of cool stories."

For the rest of the afternoon the four of them talked. The two adults were happy to share their old stories and about the hotel, (the normal parts at least) and were

impressed that the two kids liked them so much. Miss Evers liked it when they all laughed; it had been over half a century since she heard a child's laughter. They were

so distracted they didn't even notice it got dark outside.

"Oh know" Lachlan said when he noticed.

"What time is it?"

"Eight o'clock, Why?" Mr. March asked.

"Shoot," Scarlett said getting up.

"We have to go, our fathers will be worried."

"Oh yes, that guy who wants to rip out my floor." Mr. March said remembering the only time he saw Will Drake.

"I'll try to talk him out of it, I promise." Lachlan said running back to the chair and grabbing his blue ball.

The two children hurried along discussing how they were going to get out of this one.

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