School And On

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School and On

Monday came and Mystery went to school thinking about Hayes. She really liked him and wanted to spend more time with him. Something about Hayes made Mystery go crazy. She had liked him from the start and couldn't even say why.

Mystery walked into her first period: Science. Her school was small so they only went for half a day everyday. Her schedule consisted of Science, Math, History, and ends with English.

She sat in her usual seat and her eyes scanned the room to see if Hayes was in her class. Just thinking of him made her face go red and her cheeks turn hot.

She look directly in front of her and spotted the shaggy brown hair of Hayes Grier.

Hayes turned around and smiled.

"Hey stranger. How are you?" He asked kindly.

Mystery began to have butterflies in her stomach. She hasn't felt this way before and began to feel self-conscious about everything, but then she took a deep breath and looked at Hayes.

He made her feel good. So she was going to act like it.

"I'm great, thanks for asking." Mystery said.

"You're most certainly welcome."

"How are you doing? It's you're first day, how does it feel?" Mystery asked. She wasn't going to ask any meaningless questions. She was going to push herself to be more confident so she can get to know Hayes more...because she actually liked him for him.

"I thought I would be nervous because I wouldn't have any friends but since you're here I feel a lot better." Hayes stated.

Mystery tried her hardest not to blush but she couldn't help it. Her face turned bright red and became very noticeable but she tried not to care.

"What does your schedule look like?" She asked.

Hayes turned sharply and grabbed his schedule off of his desk.

"Science, Math, History, and English. Plus lunch of course." Hayes joked.

Mystery laughed. She enjoyed his company and that he had a sense of humor.

She found herself throughout the day laughing and flirting like she's never done before. Not many guys ever talked to Mystery the way Hayes did.

He was sincere and kind. He actually listened to Mystery and wanted to know more about her. Mystery put herself in uncomfortable situations by complimenting him. She never thought she would do that but she did and she enjoyed it.

The rest of the day Mystery and Hayes sat together and talked. When they weren't talking they were paying attention to class work but still glancing at each other occasionally and smiling.

Hayes would stare at her and admire her beauty but look away when she caught him staring.

Mystery would find herself staring at Hayes and picking out everything she liked about and so far there was nothing she didn't like. Mystery would turn away as well when Hayes caught her staring.


Once after school hit, Mystery and Hayes made their way towards there houses.

"Don't you like right there?" Hayes asked as he pointed toward Mystery's two-story house on the corner of Hickory and Mimosa.

"How do you know I live there?" Mystery accused as she began to laugh.

Hayes blushed and and searched for an answer.

Mystery giggled and said, "Well I do but I go to my secrets little world in the woods. If you dare to come, I'm heading there now."

She turned and walked away hoping Hayes would catch up.

As she kept walking forward she heard a couple heavy and quick steps and then she looked to her left as he stood there with the sun in he background.

He smiled at her and said, "I want to know you."

Mystery's heart skipped a beat as she became overjoyed.

Walking the only 2 minutes it took, they took a right into the dark woods and walked through the woods as the dead leaves crunched under their feet.

Hayes looked all around him amazed at all the trees and how small he felt compared to the monstrous trees beside him.

There was a clear path ahead. The trees made way for them like they expected Mystery and Hayes to come. They walked like Kings and Queens as if they owned the place.

Mystery led Hayes to the ginormous tree that you could see from a mile away. The tree took up a big chunk of the woods. It look ancient but sturdy. Mystery dropped her brown bag and climbed up the tree using the small steps of the tree that looked like someone nailed in a long time ago.

Hayes watched in awe as Mystery climbed up the tree without any effort. He was amazed by how beautiful she was and how he felt just stunned by her beauty with something as simple as her climbing up a humongous tree.

Mystery looked back at Hayes.

"You coming or what?" She called out.

Hayes jumped and threw his bag down as he grabbed the steps and began to climb.

The two climbed higher and higher and Hayes' nerves became greater and greater. But as he looked up and saw Mystery, all his nerves disappeared. He felt calm as he saw her.

Mystery grabbed hold of the floorboard that she installed on the tree herself. She put them there so she can navigate around easier, and so she can lay down and read and be comfy.

Hayes got up and felt the floorboard. He was taken back by the fact of flat wood on the tree. He hopped up and crawled over to where Mystery sat.

She was looking out on the distance and just stared. She loved coming up here and feeling the wind in her hair, watch the trees dance below her and feel in control of the millions of small trees below.

Mystery looked out on the amazing sight in front and beyond her. She was amazed by the scenery before her as Hayes was amazed by the piece of art in front of him. She was his scenery. And that's all he cares about. Being together is what felt right and that's all that matters.




So what do you think? Am I too far off or do you like it? Leave your thoughts below and give me suggestions👍

Thanks for reading


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