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Mayas POV
You know what I love hanging out with Rowan and Sabrina but when Sabrina starts staring at Riley that's when I get mad! Yes I have a crush on Riley Mathews don't judge.

Riley's POV
Sabrina keeps looking at me weird. I think she likes me.. Sabrina is pretty but I love Maya. Yes I have a crush on Maya hart don't judge

They were all sitting in Riley's room. Riley could tell Maya was mad "hey Maya come here " Maya walked over to Riley " what's wrong peaches " Maya sighed " nothing Riley.." Riley frowned " tell me Maya " Maya looked away " I like u.." Riley was shocked at first but then she kissed Maya. Sabrina and Rowan both watched " aww u guys are so cute " Rowan said giggling. Maya and Riley both blushed and said thanks

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