Time to run!

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Alexis watched the scene, letting the smirk take over her lips once more as the boys acted like they were "ratting" each other out.
"What? You gave me loaded dice!!" Tulio says in slight anger to Miguel, pointing at him and walking circles around him, running into the guard close by. "He gave me loaded dice!!" Tulio continues in disbelief and sadness adding a disappointed look to his face pleading with the guard, pointing his hand at Miguel while looking between the dice and the guard.
"Guards arrest him!!" Tulio shouts triumphantly. "You dare to impugn my honor?" Miguel slyly asks Tulio, turning his head and walking up to him. "He's the one that was cheating, arrest him!" Miguel shouts in fake anger, pointing his hands at Tulio and shoving him backwards."He tricked these sailors and took their money!" Miguel shouts about Tulio, making him go wide eyed in disbelief

  "Oh really?!? So now I'm the thief?!" Tulio angrily asks Miguel pointing to himself as Miguel matter of factly says "yes!" with his hands on his hips.
"Look in the mirror pal!" Tulio tells Miguel, turning him to look at the guards body garment and pointing at his reflection.

  "Oooh!! You better give them there money back or I'll, I'll!!" Miguel says walking away from him and looking around. "En Garde!" he says pulling a fencing sword out of the guards belt and pointing it at Tulio.
  "En Garde yourself!" Tulio replies to him. "I will give you the honor of a quick and painless death!" he says pulling a small dagger out of another guards belt as the crowd gasps. "Not with that" he then says, putting the dagger back and grabbing a sword, pointing it at Miguel.

  "We shall fight fairly!" he says pushing his sword up against the one Miguel is holding, giving him a look that Miguel returns, growling. "Well, any last words?" he questions maniacally.
  "I will cut you to ribbons, fool!" Miguel replies slyly, backing away from Tulio with a sword still bared. "Such medeocrity!" Tulio says back to him "let your sword do the talking" Tulio says slashing their swords together, nearly knocking Miguel to the ground.
Miguel quickly regained himself and says "I will! It will be loquacious to a fault!" Miguel says hitting Tulios sword while Tulio just laughs at him and the two start swinging their swords around like crazy men. Miguel then jumps at Tulio as Tulio jumps out of the way.
  "Take that!" Tulio says nearly hitting Miguel with the sword as Miguel ducks. They hitting swords a few times, then Miguel walks backwards and jumps up onto a table.

"You mincing prancing twit!" Tulio calls at Miguel as Miguel is in fact prancing, and runs jumping onto one of the crates next  to roof that Alexis climbed. She slowly leaned up from her spot, getting ready for her time to act with the con men. "You fight like my sister!!" Tulio tells him. "I fought your sister, that's a compliment!" Miguel tells him,stepping backwards and onto the roof, Tulio following him.

Alexis then watched the boys look at her "You!" Miguel says angrily towards her. "Hey, you gave me the loaded dice to give to him...all the cheating is on his filthy hands!" She says as Tulio sent her a glare. "You lying little-!" Tulio says pure anger, getting his sword ready but stopped himself when she smirked, pulling a dagger out the inside of her boot. "Please enlighten me what you were gonna say.." She says as she pointed the dagger towards tulio as Miguel pointed to Tulio as well, the two both looked at each other, she gave Miguel a wink before looking forward . When she heard the people on the ground chanting for her to kill Tulio, she backed away from the two, putting the dagger in the back of her boot as Miguel threw the swords to the guard. "Ladies and gentlemen we decided it's a draw!" Miguel says and started backing up to jump off the roof after he threw the swords back to the guards. "Thank you for coming, and we shall see you all soon!" Alexis says and smirked as the trio jumped off the roof onto stable ground.

"Good job you two.." Alexis says with a chuckle, dusting off her clothes. "Why thank you.." Miguel says with a slight smug smirk on his face. "You did a fine job as well Alexi-" Tulio says but immediately stopped when he heard a snort.

The three looked over and immediately turned pale, a black bull looked at them with anger in its brown eyes. "W-we should've kept the swords.." Miguel stumbled out "what's the plan Tulio?" Alexis says quick as she looks at the boy. "Well you two can pet it....while I RUNNNNN!" Tulio shouted as he stood up, sprinting away. "You idiot!" Alexis yelled to him as Miguel grabbed her wrist, pulling her off the ground as they sprinted towards the exit. Away from the bull chasing them. Once they saw the wooden wall they jumped up, climbing it to the best of their ability. Once they made it over they saw the bull break down the wall, chasing them through Spain.

Alexis and the two boys continued to sprint, immediately stopping at a ledge. Alexis looked at the water then at three barrels at the bottom. "We can make that!" She hollered as the guards shouts started being heard. "Two pesetas says we can't!" Tulio says with a hint of fear. When the guards appeared the three jumped, Miguel letting a scream slightly take over his voice as they all landed in the barrels. "She told you Tulio..." Miguel says and Alexis held a hand out the barrel. Catching the pesetas when they landed in her hand. She and the boys then grabbed the tops to the barrels sealing them on top.

Well this is the most I've ever written for a chapter 😂 I'll be sure to write more today. And sorry if I'm not including certian characters. Following how the movie goes. Well see you later amigos!

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