Dream and Reality

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Zoey's POV

I cut the wire. Nothing happened at first. Then it happened 'did that do something, oh it's beeping, fishton it's beeping...' The world swirled around me as the beeping got louder. Louder. I started to think about Rythian. I promised him, I missed him. I needed him... I...

My head span I turned my attention back to the nuke. Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh... 'Oh crikey...' I said I really needed rythian... he could help me, I turned around realising I was inside the force field. I quickly searched for the remote. I had left it on the table! Outside the force field! I couldn't escape. And I didn't put the nuke proof layer on the force field the entire castle will be destroyed! 'um urr... Rythian urrrrr' I whispered. I needed him to hear me. To know I'm there... to save me... the sad truth suddenly kicked in 'Fishton, Rythian's not here!' my head span as the beeping got louder and louder and louder... 'Rythian I miss you! Rythian I need you right now the nuke it's about to expload...' the world span, my head span I needed rythian more than any one I took my last breath and said 'RYTHIAN I...'

I love you...

I bolted upright. It was fine. I was home in our home base, away from everyone, everywhere. I looked over at rythian who was still sleeping. He was cute when he was asleep. I was tempted to pull down his mask but he was so concerned about it back at blackrock so I didn't. His blonde streak lay in front of his face. I slid it out the way so I could see his face, well most it...

I shuffled over to him wrapping his arm around me. I felt safe there. In his arms, I held him close burying my head into his chest I felt... protected, cared for... loved... No that was ridiculous, to him I was his apprentice and nothing more... but he saved me... he drained his power for me... he.. he. I couldn't think like that. I loved him more than anything else in the world I just couldn't tell him. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep

Zoethian One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now