God Is Gay

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Jean-Michel slinked into school, bumping into a possibly intoxicated student with dark hair who seemed to be a few years younger than him and made ugly faces at some blonde girl who was most likely crushing on him.

Jean-Michel slinked into school, bumping into a possibly intoxicated student with dark hair who seemed to be a few years younger than him and made ugly faces at some blonde girl who was most likely crushing on him

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He also encountered another student, Jean-Michel assumed he was a senior, who was sharply dressed and had neat hair.

He also encountered another student, Jean-Michel assumed he was a senior, who was sharply dressed and had neat hair

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Jean-Michel barely made it to homeroom. His homeroom teacher was Mr. Bowie, and he taught experimental music and acting (although, as he explained, "No, no, no. Mr. Stardust teaches acting.") He sat next to a fairly pretty young woman with a petite yet curvy figure and a small boy with a rough voice.

"I'm Janis!" The girl giggled, pulling down her tinted shades and looking into his eyes.

"I'm Janis!" The girl giggled, pulling down her tinted shades and looking into his eyes

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"I'm Kurt." The boy said groggily, rubbing his eyes as he did what seemed to be last night's homework.

" The boy said groggily, rubbing his eyes as he did what seemed to be last night's homework

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"What class do you guys have next?"

"I got psychedelic rock with Jimi and Jim over there."

"I have guitar." Kurt looked somewhat excited about it.

"I have guitar too." He told them.

"Shit!" Janis groaned. "I know you have guitar, but I have it, like, second period."

"Sucks." Kurt looked sorry for her. Janis was definitely eccentric, and it was pretty refreshing compared to the girls in NYC. The bell rang, and Kurt and Jean-Michel went upstairs to room 208. He told him about why he was here and where he used to live.

"Ooh. I got caught getting stoned and spray painting 'God Is Gay' on cars." Jean-Michel and Kurt chuckled as they finally made it to class and sat down. A british guy with glasses that looked a bit like Janis' was teaching. "This guy's Mr. Lennon. He's pretty neat."

"Welcome to Guitar. I will be helping some of the advanced students, while Mr. Harrison helps those of us who have been struggling. Remember, class," he smiled, as the class prepared to speak along with him. "Guitar is easy with a little help from your friends!"

Mr. Harrison sat down with Jean-Michel and taught him some easy songs to play, and he soon learned some easy riffs. Jean-Michel had acting with the "famous" Mr. Stardust. He finally got to meet the two boys he saw in the hallways. One was named John Beverley, but everyone called him Sid. He was a freshman, who was hanging out with his best friend, who none of his friends really liked. She was in the class as well.

"I'm Nancy. Sid, did you introduce yourself?"

"Yeah." The other kid, Freddie Mercury, was a senior who was incredible at acting. Jean-Michel noticed that Sid, Nancy, and their friends Joe, Poly, and Malcolm admired Mr. Bowie/Mr. Stardust a lot. When he met up with Janis in painting and drawing class, she explained why.

"Oh, they're punks. All the punks like Mr. Bowie." She said, as we sketched Mr. Warhol, his observant eyes watching us.

"What class do you have next?" I asked Janis.

"Beat Poetry 101."

"Cool. I do too."

"I'll introduce you to my friends Jim and Jimi then." We walked to class together, met by a tan kid with long hair and a kid with dark, curly hair. As we entered, Mr. Shakur met us and we grabbed seats. The kid with the long hair was named Jim Morrison, and poetry was one of his favorite things ever. Jimi Hendrix was more of a guitar person.

I saw a quiet kid I recognized from my grade in the back. "Ooh, that's Brian. He's super quiet." Mr. Shakur stepped to the front.

"Who would like to go first?" Mr

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"Who would like to go first?" Mr. Shakur picked Janis, and she got onto a podium, smiling at Jim, Jimi and I.

"I am just an ordinary freakshow, your average freakshow act. Pull me close, and I'll be fine, but not much more than that." She continued on, and I watched her feeling the poetry coursing through her body and taking control. The class went on, until it was finally lunchtime. 

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