Chapter Eight: Aaron

Start from the beginning

Turning back towards the oven, I tried to hide the fact that my heart was suddenly feeling like it was going to break.

"So," I said after a few silent minutes. Silences between us had never been awkward before, why are they starting now? "Everyone was thinking about getting together and playing some cards this weekend. We were going to go and pick Cleo up too."

"Cleo?" Turning around I saw the confused look on his face, making me frown.

"Cleo, Cameron's sister? One of your best friends?"

He started biting his bottom lip before slowly nodding. "Yeah, I'm not sure. I think Tate was going to take me to this great new bar with some of his friends."

"Bar? Perry you aren't twenty one."

"So?" He asked while rolling his eyes. "Ever heard of a fake ID stupid?"

Stopping in my tracks, I saw the instant look of regret cross his face when he said that. "Look, whatever is going on you need to tell me."

"I need to? Why? We're not together."

"So what if we aren't?" I asked while standing in front his small body. "Perry, you know I care about you. You have to know that there's nothing in this world I'd rather have than you. Why don't you come home with me, Thanksgiving is tomorrow and you can meet my family. Then we can hang out with our friends. You can see Cameron's parents; I know they've missed seeing Perry the pain."

He looked reluctant as he glanced around the small kitchen. "I don't think that's such a good idea," he quietly said as he looked down at his feet again.

"And why is that?"

Before he could respond, Tate was suddenly walking into the kitchen with a bag in his hand. My eyes widened when I saw the injection marks on his skin, the same marks I saw on my sister. When she was addicted to heroin.

Glancing over at Perry, I saw the sadness in his eyes as he started to cry. No, he can't be doing this. "That better not be what I think it is," I said while glancing back over at Tate.

"What's it to you?" He asked while throwing the bag down onto the counter. "You aren't a cop are you?"

"How could you?" I yelled when I looked back over at Perry. "How is this happening Perry? You know my sister died from heroin! Why won't you just talk to me?"

His pretty green eyes were quickly filling with tears as he remained silent. He didn't try to say anything, didn't deny it. Instead he sat in front of me, avoiding me like the plague.

Picking his body up from the counter, I turned the stove off before walking towards the door. "What are you doing?" Perry worriedly asked while he tried getting out of my arms.

"I'm taking you home with me."

"No!" He yelled while Tate suddenly came over and ripped him out of my arms. It was like he ripped my heart right out of my chest.

"He can do whatever he wants," Tate said while he put his arms around Perry's body.

Feeling tears run down my cheeks, I turned away while images of my sister started swarming into my mind. "How could you do this?" I begged while looking down at him, more tears filling my eyes. "How Perry? Why couldn't you just come talk to me or Hugo? Why did you have to resort to this?"

"Maybe because my life is shit!" He yelled while getting out of Tate's arms and standing in front of me. "Sorry I'm not good enough for you and your perfect little life. This is me Aaron, the real me. I've finally found a group of friends that accept the real me, not the fake ass one. Did you honestly think what we had between us was actually going to go somewhere?"

"Of course I did!" I yelled back.

"Why?" He practically screamed while hitting my chest. "Why would you want me?"

"Because I love you!" I screamed while gently taking his face into my hands. "I love everything about you Perry. I can't lose you... I can't lose you too."

An intense pain was suddenly hitting my cheek, making me realize Perry had punched me. Holding my cheek, I looked up at him and realized this wasn't the man I loved. This was someone completely different.

"You might think you feel on top of the world, but it'll all come crashing down one day. I know Perry, I watched my sister go through an addiction before she died. Is that really what you want, do you really want to die?"

He started hitting my chest again, making me quickly wrap his tiny fingers in mine. Pulling him closer to my body, I kissed his temple while a defeated cry escaped my lips. "Because I don't want you to die. And even though you've chosen this path, I'm not going to abandon you. I'm going to be here for you every step of the way."

My heart officially broke when he pulled away from me to say, "I don't want you."

With that Tate forcefully pushed me out of the apartment. Falling down onto the ground, I wrapped my arms around my legs while I cried so hard I couldn't see. I wasn't only crying after finding out the one I loved was on something that killed my sister. I was crying because I just lost my best friend. Nothing hurts worse than that. 

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