The man on the bus

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It was the summer of 2009, I was fresh out of a marriage that I jumped into too quickly and here I was looking to find myself again. So, I called my two oldest siblings that live in NYC and told them I was coming for a visit, needless to say they were elated. I only had to pay for my bus ticket there, it was whether cheap and I had a good job at the time so I was able to purchase on a whim. Gleefully, I packed my suitcase so full I could barely zip it, with all of my fave summer clothes, jewelry, makeup, etc. I get to the bus station and all is well the lady at the customer service desk hands over my ticket and I wait for my bus departure to be announced. Along the way on the bus ride we made a few rests stops until we get to our transfer station in Philly, and this is where things get weird. Everyone transferring buses get off and a new group get on. I see a lot of strange looking people, but none stood out like this one. This guy had long straggly brown hair, thick glasses, and a wilderness beard, he isn't bad smelling or homeless looking, in fact he looks quite well put together and he smelled of cologne, but he just had this creepy serial killer lumberjack vibe about him. Whenever, I travel-- I always take the window seat its my thing and low and behold creepy guy sits right next to me. He starts to talk, it is innocent enough, I'm not much of a talker by nature so I listen. He talks about his sister's wedding stating he had just attended it in Philly telling me he was on his way back home to NYC. I nodded and smiled, he then said in the creepiest whisper I've ever heard in my life, "I'm going to kiss you now." And, before I could respond or react for that matter he planted his lips onto mine as his scruffy beard scratched my face. I yelped in horror and punched him as hard as I could in his arm. He let out a loud laugh and said that he loved me and that he knew I was the one. I've never seen this man a day in my life and didn't know him from a can of paint. It became very clear to me that this guy was mentally disturbed. Just as I stood up to cross over him and go complain to the driver a young woman appeared from a few seats behind us on the bus profusely apologizing, claiming he was her cousin and that he had a mental disability. She offered to trade seats with me and I accepted. The whole time he's laughing and his laugh get louder and more disturbing. That was the end of my interaction with them but at the next rest stop as I was getting off the bus to get snacks, I walked pass their seats and saw them making out, whispering and laughing. Like wtf? They were very strange people, I don't know if they were really cousins or not but I was glad to make it to NYC and see my big bro at the station waiting on me I ran into his arms clearly shaken. He asked what was wrong but I never told him exactly what happened. Nevertheless he and my sister tried to comfort me, but I wouldn't spill it. I have been a frequent flyer ever since this incident occurred! Even thinking about it gives me the jeebs!

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