He sat next to me

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Penelope's POV;
It was only 5:00 in the morning but for some reason my mom woke me up, lately she's being really weird (ever since my dad left her for a man he is now gay// by sexual.. I think) but I don't really mind it but as she woke me up I couldn't get back to sleep so I got out of my bed and went in the bathroom and did what I needed to do.
After that I put on my uniform and just tied my hair in a messy bun I wasn't even in the mood to do anything.
So I went down stairs and I as per usual a I saw my mom sitting by the window stroking the cat to death staring into space I just ignored her and made my self some cereal and rapidly poured it down my throat I wasn't even late I just really wanted to be early because I had science first and that's my ultimate favourite Lesson.
As I sat in my seat at the back I noticed Calum was next to me I actually thought it was fate but then I saw who was next to him my worst enemy Lottie I can't stand her I actually Hate her with a passion.
She always flirts with him it just gets on my nerves because she doesn't even like him she just does it to be more popular he's too adorable for her.
As we got started in to the lesson Lottie started to make out with Calum I could have slapped her but I knew she was going to get caught so I carried on doing my revision sheet.
A few moments later Calum pushed her away I was so surprised he did that but anyway he didn't even get told off for that, but Lottie got told off and was sent off to Mrs. Morris' office (head teacher) she's the strictest teacher on the planet she once gave a detention to a kid for answering a question wrong any way I can't wait till she gets told off.
As I was getting on with my sheet I saw Calum biting the end of his pen he was so cute I tried not to get distracted but as soon as he noticed me staring at him he said HI to me!
I know that sounds sad but for me that was probably the greatest moment ever then we started a conversation and I asked him if he even liked Lottie and he sad no I was so happy but before we could even finish our conversation the bell rang, so unfortunately we had to depart from each other which I was totally gutted about

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