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We looked through the glass helplessly, I could see shadows and silhouettes fighting through the fire, "Look the they're here to save us," I tried to speak as well as I could but it came out like a croak or moan so I tried again, "Look people!" I whispered hoarsely.

"They're not here to save us.." He spoke hard and firmly, he looked around frantically, "We need to break the window and jump out!"

"WHAT?" I was never a chemistry geek but I do remember fire gets worse with oxygen so that doesn't sound very safe, but then again he was the one saving me he did have the right to do whatever.

"Trust me," he spoke in my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck and sending chills down my spine. Once again he looked round frantically but now with a determined look on his face.  After finding some random piece of equipment he smashed down the window. He threw me onto cold grass like a ragdoll, and I felt my body jolt at the impact, it wasn't a hard fall but my body couldn't take it.

He managed to rollout of the window in one piece but there were burn and cuts scattered on him. He crawled over to me, "Are you okay, Emily?" I wasn't really but didn't want to say so, I opened my mouth to speak but instead I was coughing, my whole body shook every time I exhaled, my lungs tried breathe but the more they tried the harder it got, somehow I managed to move my hand in front of my mouth. It felt like I was puking, but twice as worse, my throat stung like I had drank poison and my head was spinning. My hand had turned red, it was sticky and shiny. I realised I was coughing up blood, I could hear shouting, Toby was supporting me and trying to get help. I saw him pull out his phone and he seemed to be talking into it. He spun his head to me, "Emily you need to stay awake!" He told me urgently, but that didn't seem hard to was too painful to go to sleep, especially whilst coughing up blood. Suddenly my hand fell limp to my side, and I had lost of my strength I once had, I saw Toby screaming down at me as my eyelids became too heavy to keep open, I was in blackness again, just as I remembered what had been said only a few seconds ago... "Stay awake," I forced my eyes open but it only half way, I could see the desperation in his eyes and that's how I stayed awake, but it was getting harder the longer I had to wait. I knew I wouldn't be able to wait much longer...

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