Book 6 Part 4

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"That's okay," Faith said. "I saw you. A small amount cooked in doesn't bother me. I just don't want to over do it."

"Are you sure?" A worried frown creased her brow.

"Hey, don't sweat it," Aaron said. "I cook with garlic all the time. Just don't use too much, and she's fine."

"Anybody home?" Jacob's voice came from the bedroom.

We all traipsed to the door.

"I'm feeling much better," he said. "Go ahead and call Wade."

"You're not just saying that are you?" Teresa asked, switching on the light.

Faith looked closely at Jacob's face.

"The pain lines have vanished," she said.

"See," Jacob said. "Even the lady who can tell when I'm green around the gills says I look pain free."

The couple arrived at 7PM sharp, with Wade in tow.

"I'm just here to clarify anything legal," he said. "In fact, maybe Faith and Aaron and I can have a cup of coffee in the kitchen while the two couples talk."

Teresa grabbed Faith's hand. Her palm was sweaty and her hand trembled slightly. "I want Faith to stay," she said. "We'll talk things over anyway, and I don't want to have to repeat everything."

"That's fine with us." Rhoda's voice was gentle. "We're new to this, too. A wise ear is always welcome."

Faith laughed. "Wise isn't the word I'd have chosen. Come on in the bedroom and meet Jacob."

We had arranged chairs around the bed. After introductions were made and everyone had settled, Jacob asked, "Where's Aaron?"

"In the kitchen with Wade, having coffee," Faith said.

"Isn't he coming?"

"I can get him."

So Aaron joined the group while Wade settled in front of the TV with his coffee.

"Maybe it'll help for you guys to hear our story," Rhoda said.

She told of a seven-year attempt to have a baby that included two miscarriages.

"We were considering adoption when I was diagnosed with vaginal cancer," she said.

Teresa gasped.

Rhoda smiled at her.

"My reaction exactly," she said. "Because I was under the constant care of a doctor as I tried to get pregnant, the disease was caught in stage one. It had not spread outside the vagina. I had surgery three years ago. The doctors tell me that the success rate for early detection vaginal cancer is high. I've had tests every six months. No other cancer cells have been found. I should live a long and productive life, the Lord willing."

"What if it comes back?" Teresa said.

"That's always possible," Rhoda said, "but it's medically improbable." She took a piece of paper from her purse and held it out. "This is a letter from my doctor."

Teresa took it and began to read aloud:

"To whom it may concern: Rhoda Jacobson suffered from vaginal cancer. It was discovered in the earliest stage. She underwent surgery. All cancerous tissue was removed. She has been symptom free for three years. In my opinion, she is a good candidate to adopt a child. The likelihood of her cancer returning is very slim. Less than one percent of women treated for stage one vaginal cancer have a recurrence."

The EarringTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang