Chapter 1

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There I am. Running like I always do at this time of day. Down the street as fast as I can. With all five chasing after me.

I see a shop with their door open so I take a chance and run inside. I get many looks but I don't care, I have to hide. I find a rack of jeans and hide inside them. I look through and see the guys running in looking around. Their "leader", Dan, tells them to look around. One guy comes right up to the rack I'm in but then he hears police sirens and splits. They all do. I try to get up but my ribs kill. They kicked them really hard. I decide on staying in the rack until they close. Can't risk them being outside waiting. I sit in the rack for a good five minutes until someone approaches it.

"Harry, I know what your size is just tell me what color and how many." The man pauses waiting for a response. He sounds slightly annoyed. "Okay. I'll be home soon. Okay bye." They're talking on the phone. I think he has a British accent but I can't really tell. I hope the person on the phone didn't say black jeans. That's what I'm sitting in. Suddenly, the person is going through the rack. Fuck!! I close my eyes tight hoping they won't see me.

"Uh, are you okay? Are you lost or something mate?" I look up at him. He's covered in tattoos and piercings. Frightened, I try to make myself smaller.

"Do you need some help?" He sticks out his hand and I take it. As scared as I am, I know I won't be able to get up by myself. As he pulls me up, my ribs ache.

"OW!" I screech. My hand slips out of his and I fall to the ground in pain.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?" He asks concerned. He frantically tries to help me but I back away not wanting him to make it worse. I shake my head and point to my stomach. "Let's try slower." He takes my hand again and slowly lifts me to my feet. I stand there grabbing my torso. I start limping away trying to hide my face which is covered in cuts and bruises but he stops me. He walks around and bends over to meet my eye line. "Do you need me to take you to the hospital? Your injuries seem pretty bad." This man is really nice but he doesn't need to be caught up in all of this.

"I-It's nothing. Don't worry about it." I stutter. This time, I run as fast as I can out of that store. I didn't even look back at the guy. Pain was shooting through my body but I didn't care I just wanted to get home.


The girl looked my age. I only got a quick look at her beat up face but when I did, it concerned me. I didn't know this girl but I know that women should not be treated like that. I wanted to help her, but she ran away before I could. I hope she wasn't afraid of me. A lot of people are, but I'm not mean, I promise.

Tomorrow is our first day of junior year here. My two brothers and I have had to move locations every year for five years. This is our first year in America. Being triplets, we try to keep our looks different so people can tell us apart. I've always been into tattoos and I just like how they look on me. However, the look usually makes people afraid of me. I don't care too much because I've always been kind of a loner. I don't like getting attached to people since we'll probably be moving in the next year.

I'm curious if I'll be seeing that girl at school tomorrow. I hope she's okay.


I finally reach my apartment. My foot is throbbing and the pain from my ribs have made me nauseous. I'm pretty sure they aren't broken so I just focus on my foot for now. I grab my ice pack and sit on my couch trying to relax.

Dan and his friends, Ethan, Peter, Michael, and Ryan, have been doing this kind of stuff to me since freshman year. I'm a junior now. The reason being that I accidentally got them in trouble for selling drugs. They almost went to jail but got community service instead. I costed them thousands of dollars and they were on probation for a year so they couldn't keep dealing. Ever since they came back to school, they've been getting their revenge every day. Somedays they will just shove me into a wall when they sees me. Other days they all surround me and take turns punching or kicking me. They will also just take my things from me, usually money. Today was all of the above. I usually don't look like this. Today was really bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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