Alchemy and The Murderer

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"I work for the soul society! I am no Homunculus!" Ed growls, clapping his hands and turning his automail arm into a blade before pointing it at the boy's neck.

"I'll ask again! Who the hell is this Father your friends were talking about!?"

"What the hell!?" Toshiro asks, clearly stunned at what he had just done.

"Ugh... what the hell's going on..?" The girl asks, finally awake.

Ed looks over at the girl, glaring at her.

"And what the hell are you? Are you a homunculus too?"

"What are you talking about?" She asks calmly.

"Listen here!" Ed yells, his bladed arm not moving an inch. "I haven't the slightest clue what the hell is going on! First, you two fall from the sky and survive! A normal person would have died! Now this one's saying he's over a hundred years old!" He glares over at Toshiro. "There's only one explanation and that's you're both Homunculi!"

"I've known him for years and we're around the same age. We aren't a Homunculus whatever that is." The girl replies smoothly and calmly.

"More proof! It's the only explanation!"

"Brother what are you doing!?" Al cried as he comes in the room, unable to find a free doctor.

"Al, there's a strong chance these guys are Homunculi!" Al gasps, his red glowing eyes giving a saddened vibe.


"We are not! We're soul reapers! Beings who normal people can't see or touch. Which brings me to ask... how can you see us?"

"What the hell are you talking about!? Of course we can see you! Everyone can!" The two share a grim look, making Ed growl as he stomps out of the room.

"That's it! I'm calling Mustang!"

"Brother, there has to be some other explanation-"

"Make sure they stay here Al!" He interrupts, making Al sigh.

"Brother..." He turns to the two, bowing slightly. "I'm sorry. Brother is just the way he is..."

The two sigh, a small meow sounding form Al's armour.

"What was that?" The girl asked, making Al 'sweat'.

"I- it was nothing! I mean, w- what was what!?" He asks back nervously.

"You have a cat under your armour?" Toshiro asked.

"Please don't tell Brother! He'll make me put the poor thing back!"

"You should probably let it out. It must be squished in there with you." Al then started to 'sweat' even more as he began to stutter.

"Oh r- right! Yeah! I'll go do that!" He called running out of the room.

"Hey! Al! Where are you going!?"

"I'll be back soon Brother!" Ed sighed, as he walked back in the room. His face showed irritation.

"Do we trust them Sir?" The girl asked Toshiro.

"I don't know." He replied.

"You two are lucky. The Colonel left without telling us. So I'll give you one last chance to tell me what the hell you are. And you better explain everything." The girl gives Toshiro a weary look before the white haired boy nods at her.

"We're Soul Reapers. We protect the what is called the Soul Society. We send spirits to the Soul Society after they have died." She explains quickly.

"Is that some kind of new Alchemy?" He asks, slightly confused. His eyes had softened with sadness some but were still hard.

"Alchemy?" Toshiro asked dumbfounded.

"You don't know what Alchemy is!?" Ed cried.

"No, we do not." The girl stated.

"Could you please explain it too us?" Toshiro asked, making Ed nod.

"It's a science." He sighs. "It's kinda hard to explain so I guess I'll just show you." The teenager then proceeds to draw a circle with squares in the middle, the corners touching the edge of the circle, drawing it where they could see it. Both watch the blond curiously. Their eyes shifting between him and the circle.

Ed then pulls out a small block of wood from his pocket, placing it in the middle of the circle. Pressing his hands to the circle, it glows a shade of blue and a puff of smoke covers the wood. When the smokes disappears, a cross lies where the block of wood used to be.

Their eyes widen before giving each other wary glances at each other.

"That's Alchemy." He stands up, tossing the cross to the boy who catches it clumsily.

"How do you use this alchemy?" Toshiro asked, inspecting the wooden cross.

"It's the flow of energy. With a circle I can increase the flow and make something new if I have the right materials."

"Sounds a lot like Kido..." Toshiro mumbled.

"The hell is Kido?" He growls, obviously offended that they had called his Alchemy this Kido.

"Kido is what we Soul Reapers use." Ed sighs grumbling something under his breath about them as looks up at them.

"Okay look. I still think you're Homunculi and making all this crap up. But, I was taught to give people chances so that's what I'll do."

"Once were released, we can show you what we mean." The girl offers, just as the door flies open to reveal a woman with short brown hair in a blue uniform.

"Ed!" she cries, out of breath from running.

"Lieutenant Ross!?" Ed said clearly surprised.

"We need to get you out of here Sir." She says, walking up to him and grabbing his arm.

"Wait a second!" Ed cried, yanking his arm from her grip. "What's the problem?"

"Sir, It's Scar. He's out looking for you. We need to get you out of here and somewhere secure!"

"Wait, wait, wait! How'd he get from the East to Central that fast!?"

"What's going on?" Toshiro asked, making Ross look at them with widened eyes.

"They're awake!?"

"Yeah." He turns to the two. "Scar is mass murderer killing state alchemists. Now," He says, turning back to Ross. "Where the hell is he!?"

"All we were told was he was close and to get you out of here."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" The girl asked.

"That won't be necessary." Ross said seriously. "Scar won't harm you if you aren't in his way."

"Yeah but I'm gonna go catch him. Once and for all."

"Sir! It's too dangerous!" Ross said, trying to reason with the blond.

"Sir?" Toshiro asked dumbfounded. "You call a kid Sir?" He then lowers his voice. "He can't possibly be over ten.." A tick mark then forms on his head before he blows.

"Who are you calling so small he could drown in a raindrop!? I'm fifteen!" Both Soul Reapers sweat drop.

"He never said that.." The girl says calmly.

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