Asia's Strongest! Fire Dragons!

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Next day in practice, Mr. Ryuusei did an announcement. “We have a practice match coming up day after tomorrow to prepare you guys. It will be against Asia’s strongest team and Japan’s biggest rival, South Korea. They will be represented by Fire Dragon. So you guys will have to give your best in practice.”

Everyone was shocked. “Fire Dragons! Does that mean-” started Gouenji. “Yes, you will be up against Afuro Terumi, Nagumo Haruya and Suzuno Fusuke. I want you guys to take the match seriously and give it your best. Is that clear?” said Ryuusei. “YOSHA, we’ll give our best!” cried everyone.

Everyone was very excited. Two days later, Endou got up very early. He went to Raimon. Everyone was there and they boarded the bus.

The stadium was crowded. Everyone was chanting “INAZUMA LEGENDS”, “ENDOU! ENDOU!” and “COME ON, LEGENDS!” Endou felt happy that so many people cheered them on, but he was determined not to lose his focus. “Here’s the lineup for today’s game:

GK: Endou Mamoru

DF: Kabeyama Heigouro, Kazemaru Ichirouta, Fubuki Shirou, Tsunami Jousuke

MF: Kidou Yuuto, Fudou Akio, Sakuma Jirou

FW: Gouenji Shuuya, Kiyama Hiroto, Utsonomiya Toramaru

 Okay everyone, give your best!” said Mr. Ryuusei.

 From the stands, Tenma and the other members of Raimon were watching Endou.

 All the players were talking to each other. “So, Endou, we meet again!” cried three familiar voices together. Endou turned, and was shocked to see Afrodi, Gazel and Burn, standing together. “Afrodi, it’s good to see you again. But don’t think we will go easy on you!” said Endou, smilingly. “You won’t have to. We’ll give our best too!” replied Afrodi cheerfully, “See you on the pitch!”

 The match was about to begin. Both teams lined up and went to the pitch. Inazuma Japan had won the toss, and they would do the Kick Off.

 The referee blew his whistle, and the match started. Gouenji and Toramaru moved up the field, with the others following. “Hmph, ready guys?” said Afrodi. In the blink of an eye, Afrodi won the ball back by using a sliding tackle, from Gouenji. “What the!’ cried a shocked Gouenji. Afrodi and the others moved up the field. “Let me show you my strength, Endou!” said Afrodi. “GOD SPEAR!” Everyone was shocked to see such a strong move. “IKARI NO TETSUI!!” Endou stopped the shot, but he was surprised at the power of the shot. “You’ve improved a lot, Endou!” “You too Afrodi!”

 Endou kicked the ball upfield to Tsunami, who passed it to Kidou. “Let’s see what you’ve got Kidou!” said Gazel. “ILLUSION BALL!” Kidou dodged Suzuno’s challenge and went upfield. He passed the ball to Gouenji. “Don’t worry, minna! I’ll score! BAKUNETSU STORM!” said Gouenji as he used his super move. “Dream on, you won’t get through me!” said Fire Dragon’s goalkeeper Jung-Soo. “BURNOUT V2!” Everyone was surprised as Gouenji’s move was stopped by the goalkeeper. Hiroto and Midorikawa were even more surprised as the move was used by Grent of Prominence.

 The match continued as Jung passed the ball to Burn. Burn moved upwards. Gazel and Burn moved side by side. “NETSYUKI!” The evolved form of Fire Blizzard moved fast towards the goal. “THE MOUNTAIN V2!” Kabeyama’s move was in vain, as the shot broke through it. “IKARI NO TETSUI!” Endou somehow managed to stop the shot. “Impressive” he thought.

 Endou passed the ball to Hiroto, and he moved upwards. Hiroto and Fubuki moved towards the goal. “Here it comes! SAIGO NO TAJIYO” cried both of them in union. The better version of The Birth sped towards goal. “BURNO—“Jung could not finish as Saigo no Tajiyo broke through to go in. GOAL! Inazuma Legend Japan had taken the lead. Afrodi was surprised to see the move break through Burnout.

 The whistle blew to signal half-time. Inazuma Japan’s members were happy to take the lead. “Minna, don’t lose your focus in the second half!” cried Endou. “You’ll see what awaits you in the second half, Endou!” said Afrodi to himself. “You’ll see!”

In the next chapter, Fire Dragons show their true strength as Inazuma Legend Japan also give their best. It’s sure to be exciting!

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