The Nerd stole my man part 2

Start from the beginning

Me: all that talking you just did and you have yet ask me what my name was

Jacob:my bad sweetheart what's your name he said being sarcastic with the word sweetheart


Jacob:well Alessia my name is ja-

Me:Jacob I know

Jacob:yea how did you know are you like a stalker are something

Me:if you call seeing you everyday at school yes I am

Jacob:you go to my school how come I never seen you around

Me:I don't know maybe because I'm the school nerd

There was an awkard pause

Jacob:so what about what I said before

Me:um sure

Jacob:good where do you want to go

Me: I'm kind of hungry so how about McDonald's

Jacob:yea come on

*car ride conversation*

It was and awkward silence between us so I tried to break

Me:so you finished that paper for Ms.Thomas class

Jacob: again how come I never seen you and no I still got a little of tweaking to do

Me:jungle beats Holla at me

He looked at me like I was crazy and busted out laughing

Me:anyways I can help you out after we get something to eat


Me:don't mention it

At my house

Jacob:I still can't believe you can eat like that

Me:how can I not food is life I said with my mouth full

Jacob:I'm just saying most girls can't keep up one measly fry

Me:hate to break it to you but I not most girls

Jacob:well I can see but thanks for helping with me with my report but I should get going

Me:you're welcome and I'll walk you out

Jacob:oh and I'll drop by and pick you up from school since I only live a couple houses down

Me: ok see you tomorrow

Next day

As he promised he came and drove me to school. He walk over to my side and open the door and helped me out. When we got out people look at us wierd but jacob didn't seem to care and put his arm around me. We walked into the school as people parted away so we can get through at least that what I thought until I seen yn storming towards us.

Yn:what is this she yelled at jacob

Jacob: oh yn you know Alessia right


Yn:why is your arm around her she said completely ignoring me

Jacob:she my friend friends do this he said gesturing towards his arm on my shoulder

Yn:why are you friends with the nerd she said calm down a little

Jacob:she helped me with my report paper

Yn:I thought you said you finished that yesterday

Jacob:well I lied deal with it

Yn:well I don't want you being friends with her

Me:excuse me you can't tell him what to do

Yn:um who gave you permission to talk anyway slut

Jacob: don't talk to her like that and she's still gonna be my friend regardless of what you say

Yn:but Jake why she's a nerd

Jacob:no what yn I've been putting up for you for to long and I'm tired of it he says

Yn:what do you mean

Me*thinking* What do you mean? Oh, oh When you nod your head yes But you wanna say no What do you mean?

Jacob:I'm breaking up with you,he said to her and that ladies and gentlemen is what snap me out of my little concert there.

Yn:no I won't let you

I was taken back by this I guess we know who wear the pants in this relationship

Jacob:oh yea watch me he said

Walking straight pass her all you can here is people either laughing or gasping

Yn pov.

As they continue to walk down the hall I screamed


That's when everybody started to laugh at me I was so humiliated that I started to throw and mini tantrum in the hallway that all ways seems to get me what I want but jacob didn't turn around the only turning he did was the corner out of sight.

The end

I know this was extra long but that's good because Trevor's part coming up next . Comment and vote thanks for reading hope you enjoy.

Jacob latimore, trevor Jackson and Diggy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now