Chapter 1

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Your (April) P.O.V
You were in you living room taking it all in, You're mother just died a few hours ago. You were holding her and suddenly she stopped, she stopped breathing and moving and you realized she was gone. You hear the beeping go off and you hold her close to you. You wipe the tears off your wet cheeks and look at your surroundings. This house you were brought up in by a single mother, she could be strict sometimes but she loved you and you loved her. You sigh as you get up and start moving into your room. An hour before the family next door, The Claud's decided to take you in, i mean how could you not accept. That family was also your best and only friends family, Alessa Claud.
You pick up your two boxes. You only had two because you didn't have that many things anyway. On the top of the box was your favorite item, Its a necklace your mother gave you. It looks like an hourglass. You walk over to the Claud's house. It was a nice house, it had nice marble floors and 5 bedrooms. "Hey April" you hear a familiar voice. You turn around It was Alessa. "HEYY!" you say, sounding as happy as possible. You didn't want her to think you weren't okay. You both walk into the house and set things up in your new room. You finish hanging a picture on the wall before you sit down next to Alessa on your new bed. "Hey April theres something you need to know, I'm going to my new school tomorrow" Alessa says. "What new school?" you reply, you had no idea what she was talking about. "OH, its a school in Scotland and its.. a boarding school" she says, whispering the 'boarding school'. "WHAT" you say feeling devastated. "I-I'm sorry" she says faintly before walking out, closing the door behind her. "WAIT" you catch up to her "What school are you going too?" you ask. "um...I forgot what its called" Alessa says closing her door while doing so. You knew she was lying. You forcefully open her door and face her, "What school Alessa?" you say sternly. "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" she says while pushing you out and locking the door. You grunt, you head back to you're room. You can't believe what happened today, First you're mum dies, then Alessa has to go to this school she won't tell you about.
What are you gonna do?
You crawl into your new bed, laying awake thinking of a plan to just disappear.
An hour later you head into the dining room. Mrs Claud just called everyone down for dinner. It was really awkward, fortunately Mr & Mrs Claud didn't ask any questions. After dinner you go back to your room, quickly clean up and change and jump into your bed.
You toss and turn for a while before you eventually fall asleep.
You see someone, He was tall and buff. he had brown hair and a mustache. He was talking to your mum. As you head towards them you here a loud thud, You scream but no one hears you. You fall and never hit ground again.

My chapters are always really short sorry ;(
hope u like this chapter :))

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