A Helping Hand

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       Pietro Maximoff was not known to get flustered over pretty girls. Pietro Maximoff was known however, for wooing them right out of their panties. That did not seem to be happening with the girl currently occupying the nearby armchair.

        She was quietly reading a book Pietro thought would make a good doorstop. She held the novel as if it was the last hope of the universe and Pietro was jealous. Yes, the Pietro Maximoff was jealous. Of a book, of all the things to be jealous of, and he was jealous of a book.

        Pietro quietly sat with his own much smaller novel. He only had the paperback in his hands so he could sit beside you and not look like he was stalking you. Sure there were thirty other seats open in the massive library, and she had given him a couple of odd glances but it was worth it.

        His sweaty hands roamed over the worn, upholstery of the armchair attempting to wipe them off. He would ask you out on a date before the night was over and that was a promise. But every time he began to turn towards the (h/c) flashes of rejections went through his mind.

        He decided he would enlist some help. Yes, some help from his dear sister. He calmly sat his book down on his chair cushion as to save his seat, praying to every deity out there that she would be there when he returned, and took out his phone as soon as she was out of earshot.

        He quickly clicked on Wanda's contact icon and pressed the "call" button. It kept ringing until he just about gave up hope until he finally heard her voice through the line.

        "Pietro? What do you want?" He quickly emitted a small noise of victory and peeked around the corner to ensure the girl was still there.

        "Wanda, I need your help," he reluctantly admitted knowing she would never let him live this down. He listened to her silence on the other line waiting for her answer.

        "With...what? I'm not helping you hide a body. Know that." Pietro gave a forced chuckle. He stared at his feet as he could feel the heat traveling through his face.

        "Wanda, I'm serious," he let out an exasperated breath. He quickly pushed a hand through his silver hair trying to keep his mind off the butterflies in his stomach.

        He let out a shaky breath before he traveled to the point of no return. "Ineedhelpwithagirl ," he said quickly rushing through his words.

        "Okay Pietro I may read minds but I can't do it over the phone, so please repeat that," Wanda pronounced clearly into the microphone of her smartphone that Stark had insisted they both have.

        He groaned. She was never going to let him live this down. "I need help with a girl," he grumbled clearly enough so she could hear him. As soon as the words traveled through to her all Pietro could hear was hysterical laughter.

        "Wanda!" he whined, "Please just come and help," she had finally stopped laughing and was breathing harshly into the phone.

        "Okay, okay send me the address of where you are and I'll be there," Wanda managed through remaining laughter. He quickly sent her the text containing  his current address and once again peeked around the corner. She was still there, this time with her legs up on the coffee table.

        Wanda, remaining true to her word, arrived three minutes later. "So where is she?" Wanda questioned. Pietro just nodded his head to the chair that held you.

        "She's pretty, but why is this one different?" Wanda asked. To be honest Pietro had been asking himself that question all night. Why was she different? Was it her (h/c) hair or her stunning lips or the legs sheathed in thigh high black socks that he recently peeked at? The way he caught her silently laughing when there was a funny part in her book/doorstop? The way her (e/c) eyes never wavered from the page?

        "Pietro. Pietro. Pietro! Wake up!" Wanda was snapping her fingers in his face. His dazed expression still remained. "Pietro, how do you want me to help?" Wanda quickly asked. He looked down and began to tell her his thoughts on what to do. She rolled her eyes at the plan, but still agreed.

        He made his way back to his seat trying to not look nervous. The girl was still wrapped in her book most likely never noticing he left. He looked back to where Wanda was hidden behind the book shelves about to begin the plan.
        He gave her a nod and she began to use her powers to slide the book out of the girls lap. So the girl wouldn't notice a book magically flying off her lap she also caused a pile of books to fall behind the girl. Thus causing the girl to turn around and find the source of noise.

        The girl quickly turned back around to notice a handsome man holding her book towards her....with the page number still intact.

        "You dropped this. I, uh, saved your page. I know how frustrating that can be," he said. The girl noticed his heavy accent and wondered where it originated from.

        "Thank you, so much! I hate losing my page," she giggled.

        "This also gave me a chance to talk to you. I would have earlier, but you seemed, busy," he chuckled. She felt the blush heat up her cheeks.

       "Sorry. I'm known for spacing out a lot. My name's (Y/N), Mr...." She led on he was staring at her waiting for her to finish before he realized she was waiting for him to tell her his name. A fire tore out across his face.

        "Maximoff. Err, Pietro Maximoff." He struggled out. (Y/N) held out her hand for a hand shake but Pietro took it in both of his and kissed it. She giggled adorably.
         "Miss (Y/N) would you care to accompany me on a date tomorrow evening?" He was about to break into a sweat. The butterflies in his stomach were stronger than ever and-

         "Yes, I would love to, Pietro," He inwardly sighed in relief. He was about to swoon. He was crying out in victory in his mind, he- he heard Wanda laughing behind the bookshelf and his face turned into a furnace.
        (Y/N) dug a pen out of her bag and wrote her name and phone number on a scrap of paper. "I'll call," he said dreamily. She hid her giggle behind her hand and began towards the exit.
        As soon as she was out the door Wanda stepped out from behind the bookcase and said,"Aww, I ship it," what he did not notice however was the phone recording the entire thing in her hand.

Time skip

        Pietro was having a sense of Deja vu. He stood wiping the sweat off of his hands onto the slick fabric of his dress pants. She was going to walk through those doors any minute now.

         The doors opened. He smiled. She was as beautiful as always. She made her way towards him in delicate heels with a smile on her face.

        They ignored everything around them until they both said the same thing at the same time.

         "I do."

The end!

Author's note: this idea came to me in algebra and I couldn't pay attention the whole rest of the lesson so yeah. I also really wanted this to have like a surprise ending where everyone thought it was just gonna be their first date but NOPE! Did I even trick anyone?
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. The Maximoff twins belong to Marvel.

A Helping Hand Pietro Maximoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now