The Princess and the Witch

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          Sabrina opened her eyes, gasped, closed them, opened them, then closed them again, because what she saw was nothing she had ever seen before. After a few minutes of closing her eyes, she tentatively opened her eyes and looked around at the paradise surrounding her. Soft green grass, beautiful flowers in all colors, weeping willows dripping tears into a clear lake, a sky that was sapphire blue and bedecked with a brilliant rainbow, a glistening castle of pink and blue, an intricate bridge, fairies flitting around her---what? What kind of world was this, filled with fairies and other creatures that she thought were only in the Book of Everafter?

          Lying beside Sabrina on the luscious grass were Puck and Daphne. Daphne was pointing at a miniscule boy fairy flying through the flowers and Puck was collapsed on the ground, looking at their surroundings like he was drinking all the sights in. Suddenly, Sabrina heard a soft pop, and out of the ground came the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. Willowy frame, blonde hair, beautiful topaz eyes, a smile that seemed to hug the world, and a dress that accentuated her loveliness. The girl--probably a princess--was accompanied by a suitcase, as if she was prepared for her sudden trip to this paradise.

          After Sabrina had finished scrutinizing the girl, she turned to the girl and asked her, "Hello, my name is Sabrina, this is P--"

          "Robin Goodfellow, pleased to meet you," Puck said, cutting in before Sabrina could complete his name. Puck took Sabrina by her shoulders and dragged her to the nearest tree.

          "Remember, I've already been here, about four thousand years ago. Back then, I was in the School for Evil. Still, students will be bound to have heard my name somewhere before. So you can't go around calling me Puck, okay? We're lucky that I saved you back there," Puck said, shaking Sabrina until she felt rattled and dizzy.

          "Wait until I tell Daphne that I met a real princess! Well, other than your sisters, of course. Wait......where is Daphne?" Sabrina asked with worry. Puck and Sabrina looked around, noting that many other gorgeous girls had popped out of the ground, and it would be hard to find Daphne with the crowd of girls. Everywhere Sabrina looked, she saw another beautiful girl, waving to a fairy. Every girl was as pretty as Ms. White, Daphne's teacher and the Snow White was. Although every girl was different, some with ruby hair and aquamarine eyes, some with jet black hair and emerald eyes, all were gorgeous and seemingly perfect. Daphne could easily have wandered off in this sea of princesses or princesses-to-be.

          Just before Sabrina could get mad at Daphne for wandering off, Puck and Sabrina spotted Daphne talking to a girl with greasy hair, sallow skin, and a dumpy black frock that was unlike what any of the other girls were wearing. Sabrina felt instantly better, finding a flaw in the middle of so much perfection and beauty.

          "Guess what, Sabrina? Look at all those girls!!! They're all princesses, they come from fairy thale cities, and they'll become fairy tale heroes!!!!!!!!!!" Daphne yelled, biting her hand and jumping up and down with joy. "But guess what else, Sabrina!!! This is Agatha, and she comes from a different world too! Well, not really, it's kind of part of this one, but it's not like this one AT ALL! It's called Gavaldon, two people every four years are taken here, AND IT'S CUT OFF FROM THIS SCHOOL BY WOODS!!!!!!!! Agatha wants to go back to Gavaldon with Sophie, her best friend, who's really pretty and was dropped off at the School for Evil by accident!!!!!!!!! This is so cool!!!!!"

          Seeing Daphne so happy and excited helped calm Sabrina down, and she swallowed all of the reprimands she had had for Daphne for running off. After all, Daphne running off had helped them. She had found a girl from Gavaldon, which Sabrina instinctively felt was called "Woods Beyond" by the people at the School for Good and Evil. Granny had told them to help people from the Woods Beyond, and they were one step closer to returning to Ferryport Landing. Now all they had to do was find out how to help this girl, Agatha, and help her.

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