"I'll get you one of my shirts." He said and led me to his room he was a foot taller than me so it would be like a dress. He gave me a black v neck shirt and I said thanks and went back to the dormitory where pansy and two other girl were.

"Mudblood alert." Pansy said and I snapped my head to her sending a murderous glare and it made her cringe.

"I hate muggles and I hate being called a mudblood. But call me that again I'll hex you to oblivion got it." I snapped and they all nodded.

"Now which way is the Loo my old school was different you had to share with the guys." I said and cringed and they all blushed and giggled.

"It's down the hall to the left." Some chick said and I nodded okay and went to the bathroom. I changed and through my hair in a messy bun and went to the common room. There were a lot of guys awake malfoy wasn't one of them. They looked me up and down and they all blushed when I caught them.

"Take a picture it last longer." I said and went and got a book. I sat in the armchair and read the guys went to sleep. I guess I fell asleep cause the next thing I know is pansy waking me up.

"I didn't do it." I yelled and looked at pansy.

"Hey its alright it's breakfast time. Malfoy told me to get you up and dressed. He went to see Dumbledore." She said and I looked at the clocked and shriek. I grabbed her hand running to our room making her laugh.

"What do I where to meet an uncle that you never new about?" I asked going through my trunk.

"Wear that black dress with your white heels." She said grabbing them and I smirked.

"Thanks you can go to breakfast." I said and she skipped out of our room making me laugh. She's like my cousin Brittany. I race to the bathroom and got ready. I got done after 10 minutes maybe 20. I went downstairs to see malfoy.

"Ready." I said and he looked up and grabbed my hand and we apparate there.

Malfoy's Pov.

We got to the manor and Dylan took her hand away and doubled over.

"I'll never get use to that." She muttered and I chuckled and we went inside. I saw that she was nervous.

"Don't be nervous." I said and she nodded and covered it quickly.

"Mum, dad?" I called for and only mum cam in.

"Your Narcissa Malfoy and amazing witch I read about." Dylan gushed and mum blushed and smiled.

"Draco why didn't you tell me she was your mum?" She asked and playfully hit me and mum giggled.

"Is dad here?" I asked and she nodded yes.

"Please please come. A lot of people want to meet you." Mum said taking Dylan's arm and escorting her to the lounge room. I heard Dylan squeal my aunt bellatrix's name and it made me laugh.

Third person Pov

"I mean I have studied all of Mrs Malfoy's and Bellatrix's hexs. They are amazing my favorite one it when bellatrix did 3 years ago or so. It was a half-blood and she hex him into oblivion and he was wasn't able to move for a long time." Dylan gushed and Bellatrix smiled at the blonde teenager.

"Mr Malfoy your my favorite wizard. I understand the whole blood thing too but I just wish I hadn't been left with my mums sister. She was so cruel. She was always say I would live up to nothing or be loved. I know you see me as a um mud--- "Dylan was about to say but Mr Malfoy cut her off.

"I don't see you as anything your parents thought you'd be safe Dylan and me and my wife had agreed on it too. I may not like muggles and call them a foul name but you are my niece and I wouldn't dare bad mouth my family." He said making Dylan smile.

"Master Malfoy breakfast is ready." Dobbie the house elf said and he nodded and everyone went to the dining room.

"When did you learn you were a witch?" Bellatrix asked and Dylan giggled.

"I was in my room and it was a summer and my aunt had locked me in the room and cut off any mail. Anyway I had found my father's journal and it said that I was pure-blood and it's also stated I could do magic with out a wand cause of my mum so I tried it and next thing I know is my aunt is barging in my room looking like a rat." She said and everyone at the table started laughing.

"I was than stuffed under the stairs and they would lock me in when I was finished with dinner. My aunts face still didn't look the same when I had to fix it." Dylan added and Bellatrix looked upset that Dylan was treated such a cruel way.

"They finally agreed to send me to some wizard school in Aussie (Australia ) and I got expelled my 2nd year for hexing a teacher. He was picking on student cause she was a um squib. I don't like bullys like that. Just cause one don't have magic don't mean they are any less. I mean look at filch. He's creepy cause he works at a magic school with no magic. The girl was sent there as a joke and that it is just cruel." Dylan said and the women at the table had tears and the men looked like they could kill.

PurebloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora