The argument

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"mark" you cry out "what (Y/N)" mark responds from the kitchen, "come and watch a movie with me?" you plead "i can't i have to go edit and record" mark says while dashing to his recording room. You sigh that's the forth time you have heard that this week, you love mark with every fiber of your being but hes always such a busy body. You drag yourself to his recording room.. plonking yourself on his lap and nuzzling his neck "(Y/N) stop it im trying to edit" mark says annoyed, you get off his lap "mark! how could you speak to me like that" you snap "i'm trying to get work done" he mumbles back. "you're always trying to get work done!" you yell "you never have time for me anymore it's always work work work with you mark" you continue beginning to tear up, "that's because work is my life!" mark snaps, you're left speechless for a moment.. "i should be your life mark" you say still tearing up before closing the door stunned from what just happened. Mark realizes what he just said in the spur of the moment and punches the wall, you sit on the couch knees up head in your hands quietly crying to yourself wishing this had never happened. still with your head in your hands you feel the couch sink, you look up to see mark with a sorry look on his face and a tub of ice cream with two spoons. you open your mouth to speak but mark cuts you off "(Y/N) im sorry baby you know i didn't mean what i said, you are my life and you know you are" mark exclaimed while tucking your hair behind your ear and stroking your cheek "iv'e just been a little stressed is all" he continues. "im so sorry mark i didn't mean to cause all this" you say while looking at the floor, Mark picks your head up with his finger under your chin "don't be sorry baby i love you" he explains before kissing you softly. "now how about that movie and lets eat this ice cream before it melts" he says while wiggling his eyebrows, you giggle at him before digging into the ice cream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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