Prologue [Meet the First Years!]

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Outside the gym, the echoing sound of volleyballs being smacked around reached your ears. You weren't entirely sure why you were standing in front of the school gym that the volleyball team meets at for practice, but you were pretty sure it had something to do with the fact that the teacher (the guy who was assigned to showing you around the school) was talking to a group of teenagers for some reason.

You paid it no mind and focused on the concrete ground in front of you with your earphones in playing [band] trying to ignore your surroundings. Although it was kind of hard to ignore the blatant shouts of "Oooooh, she's cute!" from the shrimpy looking kid with orange hair.

Sighing loudly, you leaned back a bit against a pillar. Damn, this kid is loud, you thought. (It was quite clear you were uncomfortable in your current situation, but there wasn't much you could do. You weren't very fond of people, and you'd already met more people today out of your whole life.)

All of a sudden, the teacher that had been showing you around (you still had no idea why he specifically was assigned to you, because you still hadn't figured out what his actual job in the school was; supervisor maybe?) jumped into your line of sight and asked you to join him in the gym. Apparently some of the other students (one in particular) wanted to know who the new kid was going to be. You nodded without saying anything, pulling your ear-buds out and stuffing them into the bag by your hip. He led you into the gym to the two boys he was talking to earlier.

The orange haired kid was talking animatedly to another kid with dark raven-ish hair who seemed about 90% disinterested in the topic. You caught onto the words "volleyball" and "toss to me" but that was it. Not that you didn't know much Japanese since you were from an English-speaking family, but everyone in the gym was yelling similar things (it was mostly just shouts of "Toss to me!"). It was kind of unnerving since you also weren't fond of loud noises either.

Once you and (Takeda, you had learned to be his name) the teacher began to near the two teens, the excitable one bounded up to you, "Is this the new girl?" he asked whilst looking at the teacher, then back to you. You glanced over at teacher, noting that he was relatively short, as he nodded; a kind-of-disturbing smile on his face directed towards the boy. Maybe that was a hint to the short, although not shorter than you, boy to not freak you out. You were kind of relieved because it seemed he got the hint.

"Ah, yes. [Last Name]-san, why don't you introduce yourself?" The teacher looked at you. You gave him a curt nod, looking back at the two boys, "I'm [Last Name] [Name]," You bowed quickly, taking quick, discrete breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down before coming back up to face them. Despite your cool exterior, you were a very awkward person with little to no social skills.

Wow, nice entrance, [Name].

You brought your hands up to pull on your [fandom] scarf to distract yourself, rubbing the thin fabric between your fingers.

The two boys both had barely visible blushes forming on their cheeks.

The orange haired boy, whom you still hadn't figured out the name of yet, grabbed your hands, yelling about how cute you were. You raised an eyebrow in response. No one of any or either sex had told you that you were cute. Never. Not once. Not unless they were family members and you never believed them when they told you that either. Before you could ask him what he meant, the boy behind him smacked him upside the head. They started to bicker about something that you couldn't catch onto.

Takeda-sensei intervened, waving his hands frantically. "I'm sorry, they're usually like this!" You waved him off, saying its fine, asking him why he needed to bring you in.

Takeda-sensei scratched at his chin sheepishly. "Ah, that's right, I pulled you in here so you could meet your classmates so you would at least know someone on your first day." The shorter boy probably asked him too. "This is Hinata Shōyō and that's Kageyama Tobio." You nodded, glancing over at Kageyama to see him scowling. Not at you, but at Hinata, who seemed to notice that and turned around to glare at him back. Guess there's some rivalry between those two.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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