I turned around after that and went over to the front door. There was a rocking chair in the room off to the left of the front door if you were coming into the house so I sat down in it and then pulled out my phone to check the time as well to see if Chase had sent me anything.

There was a notification on my phone that he had sent me a text message so I unlocked my phone and then check to see what his message said. Chase had just sent me a text message to let me know that he was on his way. And that was about ten minutes ago so it shouldn't be too much longer until Chase arrived at my house. About fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang and I stood up from the rocking chair to go over to the door.

Once I had checked to make sure that it was indeed Chase who had rung the doorbell, I opened up the door and smiled at Chase. He smiled back at me before I noticed that he took the chance to glance over at what I was wearing, which I did the same for him. He had dressed pretty casual, black pants and a plaid shirt that was burgundy and black, so I was glad to know that I had picked out the right outfit.

"You look beautiful," he said.

"You don't look so bad yourself. Although I'm pretty sure I've seen this outfit before, just maybe different colors," I replied smiling at him. The grin on his face grew bigger as he said, "I did my hair though so I'm a bit more cleaned up."

"I can see that. You did a wonderful job," I responded as he held out his hand.

"Thanks. Shall we go?" Chase asked me. I nodded my head and then took his hand before shutting the door as he pulled me out of the house.

Chase let me lock the door before he pulled me lightly towards his car. He opened up the passenger door for me, something that a boy had never bothered to do for me on any of my previous dates, and then let me get settled into the car before shutting the door. I watched him come around his car and then get into the driver's seat as I clicked my seatbelt in. Chase started up his car and then backed it out of the driveway as he looked over at his shoulder.

As he drove down the street that I lived on with my grandparents, I asked him if he was going to tell me where we were going, but all he said was that we were going to dinner. He wouldn't tell me where else we were going besides dinner, which I had figured was one of the things that we would be doing on our date since Chase had told me not to eat anything.

And dinner ended up being the first place that we went to. It wasn't a fancy or expensive restaurant, but it was still a nice restaurant that was a good idea for a first date. So far he was definitely impressing me, but I really didn't have much to compare this date too. I was pretty sure this whole date was going to win at being the best date that I had ever been on. Chase was probably going to be impressing me all night long for as long as we were on our date.

I would have to make sure that I'd mention to Chase that my grandparents wanted me back before midnight. He probably didn't plan on making the date five hours and a half, but when you are having fun with someone then time can pass by very quickly.

"So, how's the restaurant?" he asked me after we had ordered our food.

"So far so good. I don't see any problems with it. We'll have to wait and see when the food comes though. That's the real test," I replied.

"Oh, their food is amazing. You're gonna love it," he said.

"Good. So, are you really not going to tell me what else we're doing?" I asked him. Chase nodded his head and then said, "You're going to find out soon enough, but I wanted to surprise you. I'm pretty sure that my date is going to be original though."

"How do you know that? I've never told you about the previous dates I've been on," I responded.

"Well, I'm just guessing, but you've had some pretty crappy boyfriends so I'm guessing that the dates were just as crappy as the boys who took you on them," Chase said smiling at me.

Wild AmbitionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang