Life is Precious

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  • Đã dành riêng cho Gabrielle Molina

I sat in home-economics bored more than anything. It was last period and I was at the point where I could just walk out. I tossed a blonde lock of hair over my shoulder.

"Hphhh" I blew out


I sighed, slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out. (Ok more of a strut) I had my fingers on my lock a millisecond away from turning the dial; until Taryn (my BFF) snatched my bag and ran away. Sometimes I don't even know why I was friends with her she was a crazy drunk & loved to play around too much.

Now that being said there was no way. No way. I was going to go running and chasing her in 3 inch heels. She must be RIDICOULOUS!!

'Although she was kind of fun'

I started pulling out my things. By the time she realized I wasn't chasing her I was gone; already in the parking lot. We had plans this afternoon and quite frankly I don't think she wanted to get left. When I really got tired of waiting; I slipped my phone out of my pocket. Like I would ever leave it in my bag! Ha!

(This only happened once too many times)

Me: Taryn will you please hurry up I have to go. We have more important thing to do >:(

Taryn: Ok buzz kill I'll be out soon.

Me: Well what are you doing?

Taryn: Hmm. Do you really want to know?

Me: Nope, never mind.

I waited ................ not for long. Then I heard the handle of the door click and Taryn grinning like a cheesyre cat, with my bag in hand. She slipped into the side of my Toyota RAV 4. When she was sitting there waiting for an invitation to close the door I gave her the look. She closed the door faster than I put the key in the ignition. She knew she didn't want to aggravate me because she was already on the verge of getting left.

Sometimes I wonder about her I. I really do.

After running all of those crazy errands, I unlocked my door and headed straight for the kitchen. My stomach grumbled boy was I hungry. I washed my hands and dried them quickly.

'Man I really want some peanut butter.' I thought

I opened the cabinet & searched for the Skippy Crunchy Nut Peanut Butter. I pulled it out and reached for the spoon in the now open draw. I was in the middle of making a sandwich when the phone rang. (Boy was I pissed) We had a phone in every room so it wasn't much of a drag but I was making a sandwich!!

"Hello!" I said with an exasperated tone

"Hello is this Ms. Lanai, Dr. Lahela calling from the hospital?" he asked

"Oh, hi are my results back already?" I asked

"No, but your parents have been in a terrible car accident." He spoke fast

"Ok, thanks for telling me," I shyly smiled "they're going to be ok right?"

Dr. Lahela sighed, "Jeanette, I'm not so sure."

I threw it; I hung up the phone and launched it across the room like there was no purpose in it working anymore. I snatched my car keys; cutting myself; and sped out the door. I could feel the tears streaming out my eyes as I sped down the road. I wiped them off my face trying to think of positive things. But deep down I knew that wasn't going to help me.

Before I knew it I was pulling into a parking lot for the hospital.

"Hello Miss how may I help you?" A country accent spoke

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