Chapter 2- Chloe's Crush

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Chloe's pov
I walk out to the bus stop and see my friend Maddie. "Hey Chloeeee!" she yells. "Hey Madds!" I yell back. "Are you excited for our first day of high school?" she asks, very excited. "Uh, actually I'm really nervous" I laugh. "Eh, we'll be fine. Plus, I heard there are a bunch of cute guys!" she squeals. I just laugh at her obsession of boys. The bus pulls up and we get on. I, of course, sit next to Maddie and we laugh the whole ride. The bus ride goes pretty fast since we live very close to the school. Sometimes I walk to school but today I just felt like taking the bus. I get off the bus and walk to my locker with Maddie. I put my backpack and books into it and turn around to talk to Maddie to see that's she's flirting with some boy. I pull out my science books since I have that right after homeroom, according to my schedule. I shut my locker and turn around only to bump into someone and fall to the ground. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, that was totally my fault. Are you okay? Here, let me help you up" I hear a voice say. I look up into the eyes of a very cute boy. He has dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes. Woah, cutie. He holds out his hand and helps me up. "Uh, y-yeah I'm fine. Thanks" I smile. He looks at the ground and replies, "I'm really sorry. I'm very clumsy, I can't tell you how many people I bump into everyday. But none of them are pretty girls like you" he smiles, picking up his head to look into my eyes. I smile and blush. "Thanks. Maybe I'll see you later?" I say, still blushing. "Yeah! What do you have first period?" he asks, getting out his schedule. "Science, room 215" I say. "Cool me too! See you there!" he says, turning around and walking away. I smile at the ground and sigh. "Oh! I'm Alex by the way!" he yells, turning around and walking backwards. "Chloe!" I yell back to him. He just smiles and continues to his homeroom. I walk to my homeroom and sit down next to Maddie. She's on her phone and I have to clear my throat to get her attention. "Oh, hey Chloe! What took you so long?" she asks. "Oh nothing" I blush at the ground. She gasps. "Was it a boy?!" she smiles. "Uh, maybe" I laugh. "Who?!" she asks excitedly. "Um, his name is Alex, he's really cute" I say, embarrassed. "Ooooh! Chloe's got a crush!" she squeals. "Shhhh!" I shush her, worried that someone would hear. She just smiles and sits back. The bell finally rings and I got to room 215 for science. I sit down at a random table and wait for class to start. The bell rings and I see Alex run through the door. He scans the room and when his eyes find mine, he smiles. He walks over to me and sits in the chair beside me. "Hey Chloe" he smiles. "Hi Alex" I laugh. "Miss me?" he jokes. "You wish" I laugh again. "Ah, you love me" he says. I just roll my eyes, still smiling. We're sitting in the back of the classroom, where the teacher doesn't look at all, so we just talk to whole time. It turns out that he has 3 younger brothers, he lives very close to me, he's a straight A student, and he plays soccer and water polo. "Cool! My dad played water polo when he was younger too!" I exclaim. "Twinzies!" Alex yells. I face palm myself as the teacher yells at Alex. "Sorry" he says. I laugh when the teacher turns around and so does Alex. "So what sports do you play?" he asks me. "Well I play field hockey and I'm trying out for the team after school tomorrow" I say proudly. "Seriously? Cool! I'll be sure to watch" he smirks. I playfully punch his shoulder as the bell rings. Alex and I say bye to each other and I head to my next class.
~end of school~
The bell rings and I sigh of relief. I absolutely hate geometry, it's even worse having it right before the end of the day. I open my locker and see a note fall out. I pick it up and read it. 'Meet me in front of the school at 2:30 xoxo Alex' it reads. I smile to myself and grab my backpack, walking to the front of the school. I see him standing there with something in his hands behind his back. He's rocking back and forth from his heels to his toes. When he sees me, his face lights up and he walks over to me. "Hey Alex" I say, ruffling his hair. "Hey Chloe. I was wondering if you'd like to come to the movies with me on Saturday? I understand if not-" he says, rubbing the back of his neck. I cut him off. "I'd love to" I smile. He sighs. "Oh, great. I was afraid you'd say no" he laughs, handing me a rose. I smile at him. "Thank you" I say. He nods and smiles. *BEEP!* I turn around to see my mom and dad, waiting for me in the car. "I'll see you tomorrow, bye" I smile at him. "Oh wait! Could I get your number?" he asks awkwardly. I write it down on a piece of paper and hand it to him. "Bye!" he calls. "See ya!" I yell back to him. I get in the car and smile. "Who was that?" my mom asks. "Oh no one" I say, smiling at the rose in my hands. She just laughs. I can't wait for tomorrow.
Sorry this part was a little shorter, I hope you're enjoying!
And yes, I am aware that the picture of "Alex" is Niall Horan:)

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