Short n Sweet

911 54 28

SUP home slices!

 So this is my first poem/story on wattpad, maybe even my last. Every chapter will have like two poems >.> If you don't like them and you're a hater, then don't comment and don't even bother reading, because like I said on my profile, I WAS BORN THIS WAY- BITCHES! alright, I didn't say the female dog word, but it was needed ._. -.-

vote/comment/fan :3

or I'll kick ur hiney >:)


My Fingers trailing down the frame,

Nails nicking, heart throbbing with pain

The cold exterior of what used to be

You and Me

Trapped in a picture, for all to see.

If only I could touch you, see you once more

Maybe then, you wouldnt be just a lonely picture,

thrown on the floor.


My first poem ever 0___0 you little monsters, hope you enjoyed, heres the next one

rawr ;)


Vines of hatred, claws of fate

You and me, we try to relate

Little demon, in the depths of hell

Were you an angel, but you fell?

Vines of hatred, claws of fate

People and Demons,

Do not relate.


THE END.... I'll upload again once I hit like...100 VOTES!!! No, I'm only twisting ur panties in a not...! I'll upload once I get enough votes, say, 10?! 5? i dunno! jeez comment/vote/fan.. Plus, if ur gay, give me a PM Waaaaaaa!

And if ur not gay, then just u know, give me a PM -.- if u know someone gay, tell them bought me, hmmmm?

c ya in HELL BITCHES!  ;) just kiddin, sweet heaaarts


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