If Seth notices my unusual behaviour he does not add to my embarrassment of it by pointing it out. What a gentleman.

Becca and Jodie react to his decision with mixed opinions. After some cussing and figurative name calling, Becca does understand the reasoning behind his words.

"It's just because he cares about you so much." she says as she braids my hair with expert hands.

Jodie, however still wants to chop off his testicles and force feed them into his perfect mouth.

"Yeah, well if he really does like you so much, he wouldn't be making damn excuses, that sleazy, lying coward."

She slaps her knee to emphasize her point, and shoots an annoyed glance into Seth's general direction. 

"He's just doing the right thing, I guess." I mumble out almost inaudibly.

"If you want him, go get him. We'll be here to pick up the pieces if anything happens."

Jodie says this in a way which I am sure she thinks is encouraging. However, all it does is remind me of how wrong being with him would be.

We are currently sitting at our tree, and Seth and Brian have gone to the cafeteria because it is lunch and they are on the quest for free food. Becca reaches for a bobby pin and jabs it into my hair.

"Just leave it." she says. "If he wants you he'll come back for you."

"What if he's waiting for me to go back to him?" I ask.

Neither of them answer to this.

"Alright, enough about Seth and me." I sigh. "Let's talk about about the camp."

I force a smile to my face and Becca humours me, quickly launching headfirst into her rather detailed plans for the three nights we have there, and listing out items we should bring to what sounds like a slumber fest.

She is excited about it. The camp. We all are. Because camp means no parents or school, and new food and friends. As well as heaps of opposite sex interaction.

Seth and Brian choose to wander back now. Success of their voyage is evident in the bag of twisties cradled in Seth's arms, and as hard as I try not to I find myself gazing at him (probably sporting a look of lovesick adoration).

Seth seems to look better everyday. He does not avoid my eyes, but rather meets them and sits himself down next to me.

"Hey." he greets.

"Hey." I say back, ferociously working to keep my cool.

A cocoon of silence envelops us. The rest of our friends appear to have shifted away a bit to give us space or something, because no way had I been sitting this far away from them before.

Oh no, does he find this quietness awkward? Should I say something?

"So how have-"

"I like-"

We both fall silent simultaneously. His eyes are warm hazel today, and accompanied by flickering shadows of the swaying tree, they look especially nice.

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