Lunch: Smile

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  You waved good-bye to Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy as the bell rang and ran to your locker. There next to you were your 3 best friends, Mona, Lilly, and Sparta. (Sorry I based the three best friends on my best friends and me but if you don't like the story then deal with it.)

"Sup, (y/n).", said Lilly, giving you a small hug. "How was your class with the 3 stooges?"

"It was okay.", you said, putting your stuff in your locker. "And don't call them 'The 3 Stooges", they are all smart in their own ways."

"You're right." You smiled when Mona agreed with you. "Sanji makes really good CHEESE!!!"

You sweatdropped and Sparta laughed. "Mona, Sanji isn't just good at making cheese," You smile again as Sparta started to talk nice. "He's good at being forever-alone."

You sweatdropped again and Sparta laughed some more. "Just kidding, we all know that Sanji's greatest quality is being great cook."

"Yep," Lilly agreed. "And Luffy's greatest quality is being adorable."

Now it was Sparta's turn to sweatdrop. "That's not really a quality."

"What do you mean?", Lilly said and gave Sparta a hug. "You have that quality too."

"But I sort of thought his best quality is his determination.", Sparta said and you nod in agreement.

"Yes, and Zoro's is strength." You lift out a giant stack of books out of your locker only to drop it as someone ran by.

"Need help?" You look up to see Zoro standing infront of you.

"No thanks.", you say, smiling. "But thanks anyway."

"Tch, don't try to over do yourself. Let me help you." Zoro easily picks up all the books. "Where do you sit?"

"Oh, you don't have to-"

"I do what I want and right now I want to help you.", he interrupted, sharply. "Now where is it?"

"Oh, umm, it's the one in the corner.", you said.

He walks to the table you pointed to and set the books down. You smile at him. "Thanks, Zoro."

Zoro blushes and looks away. He loved his smile and as long as it was in his life, he didn't need anything. Why? Because he was also in love with you. "Whatever." He walks away and Sparta shoots him a glare.

"Don't get forget our battle, booger-hair.", she says and Zoro glares back.

"I'll kick your ass, shorty.", he shoots back and they both glared at each other until, Zoro left.

"Stupid marimo.", Sparta mutters as she sits down.

"I don't know why you hate him.", you say, taking a bite of your (favorite sandwich).

"I just hate him cause he's a better fighter than me.", Sparta said, fingering her iron claws.

"Well he wouldn't beat me and Death-Slaya!", Mona yelled and held up her frying pan. It was actually a deadly weapon cause it was made out of the best metal in the world. Also it can make good scrambled eggs.

You giggled and looked at the direction Zoro went. Sparta noticed this and asked, "Watcha look'in at?"

"I'm just thinking...," you said. "I wonder if he knows that's the girl's bathroom."



Zoro x Sanji x Luffy x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang