Chapter 2

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I woke up feeling exhausted, I'd had horrible nightmares like I'd predicted.They were so vivid, though I only remembered one.

I was walking in the forest with twisting trees and a sky that faded from green to purple, wearing the dress I wore to prom last year. Tim Burton would've loved to see this. I came to a huge black oak tree with every one I ever cared for hanging from it.It's branches wrapping around their necks and forming nooses.On the lowest branch, was Travis. I walked towards him and reached for him.His head flew up and he looked at me with emotionless pure black eyes.

"Hello Lea,"he said in a whispery voice as he grabbed my arms with skeletal hands and lifted me next to him" let's hang out."

A branch wrapped it's self around my neck,I tried to pry it away from me with my fingers,I kicked my legs and,screamed. A hand grabbed my shoulder, I looked over to see mom with the black eyes.

"Lea!" she hissed " Stop fighting it!"

"Let her squirm!" hissed my dad from a branch or two up

"I'd kill you if you weren't already dead!" snarled mom

This was typically a normal conversation between my parents.

"Lea! Stop shakin' the branch!" snapped Jason

"Lea, just die already!" hissed Morgana, my friend from back in Colorado.

The branch finally squeezed the life out of me and I woke up.

I turned off my enemy A.K.A the alarm clock and rolled out of bed, I looked out my window and into Travis' bedroom window.The light was on. 

Maybe Travis committing suicide was just one of my nightmares and he'd be his usual and not dead self.

Someone entered his room.I squinted my eyes, it was his mom. She looked around then coverd her face with her hands and cried.

Well, there goes that hope.

I walked away from the window and went into the bathroom then looked in the mirror.

Jeesh, I wouldn't look out of place in a "Night of the Living Dead" movie.


I climbed onto the bus, everyone was staring at me.

"Where's Travis?" asked one of the guys he used to play football with.

I ignored the other fifteen people who asked as well on my way to the back of the bus.I kept in mind what mom told me before I left.

"Lea, if you can't handle it, just get the office to call and I'll pick you up. I know this is going to be rough for you." she'd said

 "Lea! I don't know what's weirder, Travis being absent or you being on time for the bus!" said the annoyingly cheerful Andrew, one of Travis' friends.  I gave him a look that clearly said 'I'm not in the mood'. "Jesus, Lea! Who died?" he said sarcastically.

You have no idea how valid that question is.

I looked down at the floor and shook my head sadly.

"You don't wanna know."

"Someone actually died!"he exclaimed causing everyone to look at us.

Nice goin', Andrew!

"Well, people die all the time, Andrew."said the ever sarcastic Alex.

"Alex! This is not the time!" said Caitlin harshly as she five-starred his back, making him yelp.

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