Entry 3 - Cold Blood and Kindness

Start from the beginning

First telling a nobody about my insecurities, then getting caught walking hand in hand with him? This wasn't a hallmark movie. People like me didn't hang out with people like him.

I bet you all could testify to that, right?

I needed to get a hold of myself. What was wrong with me? Was it Tiffany? Was she using some of her ghostly, fairy godmother-y powers to turn me into a delicate sap?

I took out my phone and scrolled down my contacts. My finger hovered over my father's, but then I started to get angry with myself.

I was Claire Stryker. I did not run away from my issues. Who were these random people, or things, to decide to come into my life and mess around with my emotions?

Most importantly, I was not nice. And like Skeletor, I even had the bumbling, idiotic henchmen to prove it.

Protip #3 about being a queen: Emotions can be suppressed and stomped out like a fire. No one can make you feel anything unless you let them.

I fixed my hair and adjusted my outfit before I confidently walked into the classroom. I started feeling much more like myself than ever.

"Claire, I'm glad you could join us," my teacher greeted slightly sarcastically.

I beamed at her. "Me too. I feel so much better already."

The french teacher looked flustered, as if she wasn't sure if I heard the snarkiness in her voice or not. "Right, well, um, you can have a seat next to Mr. Abrams."

I looked to where her hand was gesturing, but it was in the very front, right next to Andrew. He glowered.

I flinched a bit before composing myself. "I'm sorry Madame, I'd love to except, I'm far sighted."

"This has never been an issue in the past." She looked at me suspiciously.

"I've been recently diagnosed. I hope that's not going to be a problem," I replied with a sickly sweet voice.

She frowned. "No, of course not. Where would you like to sit?"

I scanned the back of the room and found my girls, waiting expectantly. I looked at the poor victim who was in my usual seat. "Casey, is it?" She nodded meekly. "You don't mind do you?" I humored everyone by asking.

The girl scrambled out of my seat and made her way toward the front. I took my time walking and Madame Marie waited for me, though somewhat impatiently. I gave her a shrug and she started her inroduction.

Once the attention of the class was off me, I looked at Brianna, Penelope, and Gemma. "Who was that?"

"Just a project," Penelope reassured me.

"And since when do projects sit in my seat?" I asked icily.

The girls shifted uncomfortably. "They don't."

"It would do you well to remember that next time."

They looked at me morosely. I rubbed two fingers in the middle of my forehead. "I have a headache. Tell the project I want a Chai Tea. Now."

They immediately went to work on their phones, and I watched a small brunette girl scurry out of the class. She mumbled a small excuse about the bathroom. The teacher pretended not to notice. I smiled in satisfaction. "I just realized. I'm also cold. I want a jacket."

The girls' eyebrows furrowed in concentration as they sent out more orders. I was tapping my fingers impatiently against the desk and amusing myself in various ways until someone approached our desks.

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