Harry whipped his head around and followed me into the kitchen where I made myself a drink. His tall broad self stood on the other side of the counter, watching me.

"Well, Harry is this sorority party everything you'd expected?" I ask after a gulp of my drink, Harry just smiles and nods. "It was everything and more." He replies and looks down at my body again, making me squeeze my thighs together.

I finish off my drink in two large gulps with Harry still standing around me. I lean against the bench, mimicking his actions, "What are you hoping to gain?" I smirk.

Harry slowly makes his way around the counter to me, I lean against the counter as he comes in front of me again.  A part of me can't wait to feel his lips on mine again, "I just hope by the end of this night you are in my bed."

I feel my chest heaving up and down as he leans over me again, I feel my eyes begin to flutter shut as our bodies press together and he leans down.

"Harry, mate!"

I feel myself internally groan. My eyes blink open and I see Harry has the same look on his face as I do, he looks at me and then to the person that interrupted us with an intense glare.

A boy shorter than Harry, with light brown hair stands there, I recognise him as Louis Tomlinson, that was Harry's right hand man. Someone he trusted with his life, and who would take over if Harry was killed.

"This better be important." Harry growls, as he pushes away from the counter and walks over to Louis. With the music and chatter in the background, I can't work out what they are saying, Harry only turns around to look at me and then turns again and walks over.

"Well, Riley let me tell you, best party I've been to in a long time." He says with a smirk, "I'll see you around, angel."

I feel myself roll my eyes, I pour a shot for myself and down it with a grimace. I follow Harry and watch as he goes to the front yard, he walks over to the members of the gang, but there is an extra.

I squint my eyes to try and make out what he looks like but the darkness makes it hard. When they open their car and small dim light flicks on, and the other person is thrown in, I gasp when I realise it's Mason Kyle.

Moving back into the house I walk upstairs and to my bedroom, finding my phone I click on Lucas' name and hope he'll answer.

"Yeah?" His voice sounds normal, telling me I hadn't just woken him up.

"The Devil's Disciples just took Mason Kyle."

"Then it's working, did they leave with him?"

"Yeah, they did.  They are all gone." I inform him, "Alright, well we are finishing something up here and then we will come round."

I nod and hang up the phone. I walk to the window and look down where their car was. The space is now empty, something in my stomach knots and I feel odd. My encounter with Harry tonight hadn't gone as planned.

There was nothing in there saying we would nearly have sex, but I doubt anyone was complaining about anything at this point. I know I wasn't.

But a part of me, even though it made me feel good, didn't mind tonight. Didn't mind being wanted by Harry, and there was a part of me that thought maybe this was the right plan of action to take, or maybe I was just being selfish and this was just to make me feel good.

Moments later, my brothers car stops in the spot Harry's car was in. I turn to leave and my bedroom door flies open making me jump back, I see a panicked Georgia in front of me. "Oh my fuck, your brother is here."

I chuckle at her reaction, "It's fine, what's there to worry about?"

She huffs and crosses her arm, "I am worried about maybe blurting out that I'm still in love with him." I give her a sad smile, "You can stay up here if you want, but I think when he sees you in that little black dress, he will pay attention to you and only you."

Georgia contemplated and sunk her teeth into her skin so hard, I thought her lip would burst. She didn't say anything, released her lip and nodded.

I took her hand and exited my bedroom. We walked downstairs where the party was still in full swing, the only difference was the four big scary dudes standing in the middle of the room.

Georgia halted momentarily when she saw Lucas across the room.  A white tank top on and black skinny ripped jeans, he looked menacing in the crowd of young twenty year olds, who were all carefree.

Lucas notice us, more specifically Georgia and he does the same thing, pauses when he takes a step towards us. But like I said to Georgia, once he saw her little black dress that hugged her frame and enhanced every feature on her, he couldn't help himself but look her up and down.

I pushed her in front of me to walk down the last couple of steps, she stopped at the bottom and came face to face with Lucas. He smiled and hugged her before either them could speak a word, it was quick and afterwards they both looked away, but I knew it meant something to both of them.

I look past Lucas to Ashton, he gives me a wink and checks me out making me roll my eyes. Lucas then looks to me, "Alright, so what happened?"

I give a small shrug, and walk down the stairs and past the kitchen to the same room where Harry Styles and I nearly fucked.

There were people in their drinking and making out, but as soon as they saw my brother, Ashton and Henry and Callum the other two boys, they all scurried out of the room.

"Nothing happened, I don't think there was a scene. I just saw Harry Styles with Louis Tomlinson talking and then I followed them to the front where they pushed Mason Kyle in a car." I explained to Lucas, leaving out the part that I got high with Harry and then wished he didn't leave.

Lucas nods and says something to Henry and Callum who both head out the door. "How did they find out about the party?" Lucas questions.

I give a shrug, "I was handing out flyers, maybe they saw a flyer somewhere or one of them took one from me and I didn't recognise them." I lie, feeling guilt settle in my stomach. Lucas eyes me before turning to Ashton who gives a shrug.

"Look they came for Mason, and they got him."

Lucas doesn't say anything.

"She's right man. They got what they came for, Mason probably has no idea who Riley is and even if he did the Devils don't know who Riley is either." I gulp at his last sentence, but nod at Lucas to make him feel reassured.

He sighs and nods, "Alright, good work then. I'm going to head on home." He gives me a hug, but I stop him, "Are you sure you shouldn't go find Georgia and talk?"

Lucas groans while Ash chuckles, "She was really happy to see you, maybe this is the right time to bring someone into your life." Lucas sighs again and rubs his hands through his hair, "Fine, I'll go find her."

I giggle and clap my hands together, "Good job, you got it boy!"

Ash and I laugh and poke our heads out the door as we watch him walk out back to the party. Georgia leans against the stairs where he met her, Lucas stands in front of her. They both stare at each other, before they hug again, and then Georgia talks first followed by Lucas and then the two of them head up the stairs.

Ash and I move back inside the room, "Wow your brother must be a smooth talker." Ashton says sounding impressed, "Oh, wanna go smoke up in your room?" Ashton shows me two joints, I smile remembering earlier tonight and nod my head. We both leave the party downstairs as we head up to my room.

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